Hannes Mehnert 13e731b78e albatross tls: re-allow root in leaf certificate (i.e. root) to fix log and info commands via tls
this is an interaction of 057dbbf147 (allow multiple labels in leaf certificates) and a579a8e143 (print root as "." instead of "")
2019-11-11 23:20:03 +01:00

301 lines
11 KiB

(* (c) 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
open Lwt.Infix
open X509
let read fd =
(* now we busy read and process output *)
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "reading tls stream") ;
let rec loop () =
Vmm_tls_lwt.read_tls fd >>= function
| Error `Eof ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "eof from server");
Lwt.return (Ok ())
| Error _ -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg ("read failure")))
| Ok wire ->
Albatross_cli.print_result wire ;
loop ()
loop ()
let key_ids exts pub issuer =
let auth = (Some ( issuer), General_name.empty, None) in
Extension.(add Subject_key_id (false, ( pub))
(add Authority_key_id (false, auth) exts))
let timestamps validity =
let now = () in
(* subtracting some seconds here to not require perfectly synchronised
clocks on client and server *)
Ptime.sub_span now (Ptime.Span.of_int_s 10),
Ptime.add_span now (Ptime.Span.of_int_s validity)
| None, _ | _, None -> invalid_arg "span too big - reached end of ptime"
| Some now, Some exp -> (now, exp)
let handle (host, port) cert key ca id (cmd : Vmm_commands.t) =
Printexc.register_printer (function
| Tls_lwt.Tls_alert x -> Some ("TLS alert: " ^ Tls.Packet.alert_type_to_string x)
| Tls_lwt.Tls_failure f -> Some ("TLS failure: " ^ Tls.Engine.string_of_failure f)
| _ -> None) ;
Vmm_lwt.read_from_file cert >>= fun cert_cs ->
Vmm_lwt.read_from_file key >>= fun key_cs ->
match Certificate.decode_pem cert_cs, Private_key.decode_pem key_cs with
| Error (`Msg e), _ ->
Lwt.fail_with ("couldn't parse certificate (" ^ cert ^ "): " ^ e)
| _, Error (`Msg e) ->
Lwt.fail_with ("couldn't parse private key (" ^ key ^ "): " ^ e)
| Ok cert, Ok key ->
let tmpkey = Nocrypto.Rsa.generate 4096 in
let name = Vmm_core.Name.to_string id in
let extensions =
let v = Vmm_asn.to_cert_extension cmd in
Extension.(add Key_usage (true, [ `Digital_signature ; `Key_encipherment ])
(add Basic_constraints (true, (false, None))
(add Ext_key_usage (true, [ `Client_auth ])
(singleton (Unsupported Vmm_asn.oid) (false, v)))))
let csr =
let name =
[ Distinguished_name.(Relative_distinguished_name.singleton (CN name)) ]
let extensions = Signing_request.Ext.(singleton Extensions extensions) in
Signing_request.create name ~extensions (`RSA tmpkey)
let mycert =
let valid_from, valid_until = timestamps 300 in
let extensions =
let capub = match key with `RSA key -> Nocrypto.Rsa.pub_of_priv key in
key_ids extensions Signing_request.((info csr).public_key) (`RSA capub)
let issuer = Certificate.subject cert in
Signing_request.sign csr ~valid_from ~valid_until ~extensions key issuer
let certificates = `Single ([ mycert ; cert ], tmpkey) in
X509_lwt.authenticator (`Ca_file ca) >>= fun authenticator ->
Lwt_unix.gethostbyname host >>= fun host_entry ->
let host_inet_addr = Array.get host_entry.Lwt_unix.h_addr_list 0 in
let sockaddr = Lwt_unix.ADDR_INET (host_inet_addr, port) in
Vmm_lwt.connect host_entry.h_addrtype sockaddr >>= function
| None ->
let err =
Rresult.R.error_msgf "connection failed to %a" Vmm_lwt.pp_sockaddr sockaddr
Lwt.return err
| Some fd ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "connecting to remote host") ;
(* reneg true to allow re-negotiation over the server-authenticated TLS
channel (to transport client certificate encrypted), once TLS 1.3 is in
(and required) be removed! *)
let client = Tls.Config.client ~reneg:true ~certificates ~authenticator () in
Tls_lwt.Unix.client_of_fd client (* TODO ~host *) fd >>= fun t ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "finished tls handshake") ;
read t
let jump endp cert key ca name cmd = (handle endp cert key ca name cmd)
let info_policy _ endp cert key ca name =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Policy_cmd `Policy_info)
let remove_policy _ endp cert key ca name =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Policy_cmd `Policy_remove)
let add_policy _ endp cert key ca name vms memory cpus block bridges =
let p = Albatross_cli.policy vms memory cpus block bridges in
jump endp cert key ca name (`Policy_cmd (`Policy_add p))
let info_ _ endp cert key ca name =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Unikernel_cmd `Unikernel_info)
let destroy _ endp cert key ca name =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Unikernel_cmd `Unikernel_destroy)
let create _ endp cert key ca force name image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail exit_code =
match Albatross_cli.create_vm force image cpuid memory argv block network compression restart_on_fail exit_code with
| Ok cmd -> jump endp cert key ca name (`Unikernel_cmd cmd)
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
let console _ endp cert key ca name since count =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Console_cmd (`Console_subscribe (Albatross_cli.since_count since count)))
let stats _ endp cert key ca name =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Stats_cmd `Stats_subscribe)
let event_log _ endp cert key ca name since count =
jump endp cert key ca name (`Log_cmd (`Log_subscribe (Albatross_cli.since_count since count)))
let block_info _ endp cert key ca block_name =
jump endp cert key ca block_name (`Block_cmd `Block_info)
let block_create _ endp cert key ca block_name block_size =
jump endp cert key ca block_name (`Block_cmd (`Block_add block_size))
let block_destroy _ endp cert key ca block_name =
jump endp cert key ca block_name (`Block_cmd `Block_remove)
let help _ _ man_format cmds = function
| None -> `Help (`Pager, None)
| Some t when List.mem t cmds -> `Help (man_format, Some t)
| Some _ -> List.iter print_endline cmds; `Ok ()
open Cmdliner
open Albatross_cli
let server_ca =
let doc = "The certificate authority used to verify the remote server." in
Arg.(value & opt string "cacert.pem" & info [ "server-ca" ] ~doc)
let ca_cert =
let doc = "The certificate authority used to issue the certificate" in
Arg.(value & opt string "ca.pem" & info [ "ca" ] ~doc)
let ca_key =
let doc = "The private key of the signing certificate authority" in
Arg.(value & opt string "ca.key" & info [ "ca-key" ] ~doc)
let destination =
let doc = "the destination hostname:port to connect to" in
Arg.(value & opt host_port ("localhost", 1025) & info [ "d" ; "destination" ] ~doc ~docv:"HOST:PORT")
let destroy_cmd =
let doc = "destroys a virtual machine" in
let man =
`P "Destroy a virtual machine."]
Term.(term_result (const destroy $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ vm_name)), "destroy" ~doc ~man
let remove_policy_cmd =
let doc = "removes a policy" in
let man =
`P "Removes a policy."]
Term.(term_result (const remove_policy $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ opt_vm_name)), "remove_policy" ~doc ~man
let info_cmd =
let doc = "information about VMs" in
let man =
`P "Shows information about VMs."]
Term.(term_result (const info_ $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ opt_vm_name)), "info" ~doc ~man
let policy_cmd =
let doc = "active policies" in
let man =
`P "Shows information about policies."]
Term.(term_result (const info_policy $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ opt_vm_name)), "policy" ~doc ~man
let add_policy_cmd =
let doc = "Add a policy" in
let man =
`P "Adds a policy."]
Term.(term_result (const add_policy $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ vm_name $ vms $ mem $ cpus $ opt_block_size $ bridge)), "add_policy" ~doc ~man
let create_cmd =
let doc = "creates a virtual machine" in
let man =
`P "Creates a virtual machine."]
Term.(term_result (const create $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ vm_mem $ args $ block $ net $ compress_level 9 $ restart_on_fail $ exit_code)), "create" ~doc ~man
let console_cmd =
let doc = "console of a VM" in
let man =
`P "Shows console output of a VM."]
Term.(term_result (const console $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ vm_name $ since $ count)), "console" ~doc ~man
let stats_cmd =
let doc = "statistics of VMs" in
let man =
`P "Shows statistics of VMs."]
Term.(term_result (const stats $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ opt_vm_name)), "stats" ~doc ~man
let log_cmd =
let doc = "Event log" in
let man =
`P "Shows event log of VM."]
Term.(term_result (const event_log $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ opt_vm_name $ since $ count)), "log" ~doc ~man
let block_info_cmd =
let doc = "Information about block devices" in
let man =
`P "Block device information."]
Term.(term_result (const block_info $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ opt_block_name)), "block" ~doc ~man
let block_create_cmd =
let doc = "Create a block device" in
let man =
`P "Creation of a block device."]
Term.(term_result (const block_create $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ block_name $ block_size)), "create_block" ~doc ~man
let block_destroy_cmd =
let doc = "Destroys a block device" in
let man =
`P "Destroys a block device."]
Term.(term_result (const block_destroy $ setup_log $ destination $ ca_cert $ ca_key $ server_ca $ block_name)), "destroy_block" ~doc ~man
let help_cmd =
let topic =
let doc = "The topic to get help on. `topics' lists the topics." in
Arg.(value & pos 0 (some string) None & info [] ~docv:"TOPIC" ~doc)
let doc = "display help about vmmc" in
let man =
`P "Prints help about conex commands and subcommands"]
Term.(ret (const help $ setup_log $ destination $ Term.man_format $ Term.choice_names $ topic)), "help" ~doc ~man
let default_cmd =
let doc = "Albatross client and go to bistro" in
let man = [
`P "$(tname) executes the provided subcommand on a remote albatross" ]
Term.(ret (const help $ setup_log $ destination $ Term.man_format $ Term.choice_names $ Term.pure None)), "albatross_client_bistro" ~version ~doc ~man
let cmds = [ help_cmd ; info_cmd ;
policy_cmd ; remove_policy_cmd ; add_policy_cmd ;
destroy_cmd ; create_cmd ;
block_info_cmd ; block_create_cmd ; block_destroy_cmd ;
console_cmd ; stats_cmd ; log_cmd ]
let () =
match Term.eval_choice default_cmd cmds
with `Ok () -> exit 0 | _ -> exit 1