
90 lines
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(* (c) 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
open Vmm_core
(** The type of versions of the grammar defined below. *)
type version = [ `AV2 | `AV3 ]
(** [version_eq a b] is true if [a] and [b] are equal. *)
val version_eq : version -> version -> bool
(** [pp_version ppf version] pretty prints [version] onto [ppf]. *)
val pp_version : version Fmt.t
type console_cmd = [
| `Console_add
| `Console_subscribe of Ptime.t option
type stats_cmd = [
| `Stats_add of string * int * (string * string) list
| `Stats_remove
| `Stats_subscribe
type log_cmd = [
| `Log_subscribe of Ptime.t option
type unikernel_cmd = [
| `Unikernel_info
| `Unikernel_create of Unikernel.config
| `Unikernel_force_create of Unikernel.config
| `Unikernel_destroy
type policy_cmd = [
| `Policy_info
| `Policy_add of Policy.t
| `Policy_remove
type block_cmd = [
| `Block_info
| `Block_add of int
| `Block_remove
type t = [
| `Console_cmd of console_cmd
| `Stats_cmd of stats_cmd
| `Log_cmd of log_cmd
| `Unikernel_cmd of unikernel_cmd
| `Policy_cmd of policy_cmd
| `Block_cmd of block_cmd
val pp : t Fmt.t
type data = [
| `Console_data of Ptime.t * string
| `Stats_data of Stats.t
| `Log_data of Log.t
val pp_data : data Fmt.t
type header = {
version : version ;
sequence : int64 ;
name : Name.t ;
type success = [
| `Empty
| `String of string
| `Policies of (Name.t * Policy.t) list
| `Unikernels of (Name.t * Unikernel.config) list
| `Block_devices of (Name.t * int * bool) list
type wire = header * [
| `Command of t
| `Success of success
| `Failure of string
| `Data of data ]
val pp_wire : wire Fmt.t
val endpoint : t -> service * [ `End | `Read ]