Hannes Mehnert 13e731b78e albatross tls: re-allow root in leaf certificate (i.e. root) to fix log and info commands via tls
this is an interaction of 057dbbf147 (allow multiple labels in leaf certificates) and a579a8e143 (print root as "." instead of "")
2019-11-11 23:20:03 +01:00

105 lines
4.1 KiB

(* (c) 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
open Rresult
open Rresult.R.Infix
open X509
(* we skip all non-albatross certificates *)
let cert_name cert =
match Extension.(find (Unsupported Vmm_asn.oid) (Certificate.extensions cert)) with
| None -> Ok None
| Some (_, data) ->
match X509.(Distinguished_name.common_name (Certificate.subject cert)) with
| Some name -> Ok (Some name)
| None -> match Vmm_asn.of_cert_extension data with
| Error (`Msg _) -> Error (`Msg "couldn't parse albatross extension")
| Ok (_, `Policy_cmd pc) ->
begin match pc with
| `Policy_add _ -> Error (`Msg "policy add may not have an empty name")
| `Policy_remove -> Error (`Msg "policy remove may not have an empty name")
| `Policy_info -> Ok None
| Ok (_, `Block_cmd bc) ->
begin match bc with
| `Block_add _ -> Error (`Msg "block add may not have an empty name")
| `Block_remove -> Error (`Msg "block remove may not have an empty name")
| `Block_info -> Ok None
| _ -> Ok None
let name chain =
List.fold_left (fun acc cert ->
match acc, cert_name cert with
| Error e, _ -> Error e
| _, Error e -> Error e
| Ok acc, Ok None -> Ok acc
| Ok acc, Ok (Some data) -> Vmm_core.Name.append data acc)
(Ok Vmm_core.Name.root) chain
(* this separates the leaf and top-level certificate from the chain,
and also reverses the intermediates (to be (leaf, CA -> subCA -> subCA')
in which subCA' signed leaf *)
let separate_chain = function
| [] -> Error (`Msg "empty chain")
| [ leaf ] -> Ok (leaf, [])
| leaf :: xs -> Ok (leaf, List.rev xs)
let wire_command_of_cert cert =
match Extension.(find (Unsupported Vmm_asn.oid) (Certificate.extensions cert)) with
| None -> Error `Not_present
| Some (_, data) ->
Vmm_asn.of_cert_extension data >>= fun (v, wire) ->
if not Vmm_commands.(is_current v) then
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "version mismatch, received %a current %a"
Vmm_commands.pp_version v
Vmm_commands.pp_version Vmm_commands.current);
Ok (v, wire)
let extract_policies chain =
List.fold_left (fun acc cert ->
match acc, wire_command_of_cert cert with
| Error e, _ -> Error e
| Ok acc, Error `Not_present -> Ok acc
| Ok _, Error (`Msg msg) -> Error (`Msg msg)
| Ok (prefix, acc), Ok (_, `Policy_cmd `Policy_add p) ->
(cert_name cert >>= function
| None -> Ok prefix
| Some x -> Vmm_core.Name.prepend x prefix) >>| fun name ->
(name, (name, p) :: acc)
| _, Ok wire ->
R.error_msgf "unexpected wire %a" Vmm_commands.pp (snd wire))
(Ok (Vmm_core.Name.root, [])) chain
let handle chain =
(if List.length chain < 10 then
Ok ()
Error (`Msg "certificate chain too long")) >>= fun () ->
separate_chain chain >>= fun (leaf, rest) ->
(* use subject common names of intermediate certs as prefix *)
name rest >>= fun name' ->
(* and subject common name of leaf certificate -- allowing dots in CN -- as postfix *)
(cert_name leaf >>= function
| None | Some "." -> Ok name'
| Some x ->
Vmm_core.Name.of_string x >>| fun post ->
Vmm_core.Name.concat name' post) >>= fun name ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "name is %a leaf is %a, chain %a"
Vmm_core.Name.pp name Certificate.pp leaf
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit " -> ") Certificate.pp) rest);
extract_policies rest >>= fun (_, policies) ->
(* TODO: logging let login_hdr, login_ev = Log.hdr name, `Login addr in *)
match wire_command_of_cert leaf with
| Error `Msg p -> Error (`Msg p)
| Error `Not_present ->
Error (`Msg "leaf certificate does not contain an albatross extension")
| Ok (v, wire) ->
(* we only allow some commands via certificate *)
match wire with
| `Console_cmd (`Console_subscribe _)
| `Stats_cmd `Stats_subscribe
| `Log_cmd (`Log_subscribe _)
| `Unikernel_cmd _
| `Policy_cmd `Policy_info -> Ok (name, policies, v, wire)
| _ -> Error (`Msg "unexpected command")