
385 lines
12 KiB

(* (c) 2017, 2018 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Astring
open Vmm_core
let process fd =
Vmm_lwt.read_wire fd >|= function
| Error (`Msg m) -> Error (`Msg m)
| Error _ -> Error (`Msg "read error")
| Ok data -> Vmm_commands.handle_reply data
let socket t = function
| Some x -> x
| None -> Vmm_core.socket_path t
let connect socket_path =
let c = Lwt_unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in
Lwt_unix.set_close_on_exec c ;
Lwt_unix.connect c (Lwt_unix.ADDR_UNIX socket_path) >|= fun () ->
let read fd f =
(* now we busy read and process output *)
let rec loop () =
Vmm_lwt.read_wire fd >>= function
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while reading %s" msg) ; loop ()
| Error _ -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "exception while reading"))
| Ok (hdr, data) ->
Logs.debug (fun m -> m "received %a" Cstruct.hexdump_pp data) ;
if Vmm_wire.is_fail hdr then
let msg = match Vmm_wire.decode_string data with
| Error _ -> ""
| Ok (m, _) -> m
Lwt.return (Error (`Msg ("operation failed " ^ msg)))
else if Vmm_wire.is_reply hdr then
let msg = match Vmm_wire.decode_string data with
| Error _ -> None
| Ok (m, _) -> Some m
in (fun m -> m "operation succeeded: %a" Fmt.(option ~none:(unit "") string) msg) ;
loop ()
match f (hdr, data) with
| Ok () -> loop ()
| Error (`Msg msg) -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg msg))
loop ()
let handle opt_socket (cmd : Vmm_commands.t) f =
let sock, next, cmd = Vmm_commands.handle cmd in
connect (socket sock opt_socket) >>= fun fd ->
Vmm_lwt.write_wire fd cmd >>= function
| Error `Exception -> Lwt.return (Error (`Msg "couldn't write"))
| Ok () ->
(match next with
| `Read -> read fd f
| `End ->
process fd >|= function
| Error e -> Error e
| Ok data -> f data) >>= fun res ->
Vmm_lwt.safe_close fd >|= fun () ->
let jump opt_socket cmd f =
match (handle opt_socket cmd f)
| Ok () -> `Ok ()
| Error (`Msg m) -> `Error (false, m)
let info_ _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Info name) (fun (_, data) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Vmm_wire.Vm.decode_vms data >>| fun (vms, _) ->
List.iter (fun (id, memory, cmd, pid, taps) -> (fun m -> m "VM %a %dMB command %s pid %d taps %a"
pp_id id memory cmd pid Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit ", ") string) taps))
let policy _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Policy name) (fun (_, data) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
Vmm_wire.Vm.decode_policies data >>| fun (policies, _) ->
List.iter (fun (id, policy) -> (fun m -> m "policy %a: %a" pp_id id pp_policy policy))
let remove_policy _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Remove_policy name) (fun _ ->
Ok ( (fun m -> m "removed policy")))
let add_policy _ opt_socket name vms memory cpus block bridges =
let bridges = match bridges with
| xs ->
let add m v =
let n = match v with `Internal n -> n | `External (n, _, _, _, _) -> n in
String.Map.add n v m
List.fold_left add String.Map.empty xs
and cpuids = IS.of_list cpus
let policy = { vms ; cpuids ; memory ; block ; bridges } in
jump opt_socket (`Add_policy (name, policy)) (fun _ ->
Ok ( (fun m -> m "added policy")))
let destroy _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Destroy_vm name) (fun _ ->
Ok ( (fun m -> m "destroyed VM")))
let create _ opt_socket force name image cpuid requested_memory boot_params block_device network =
let image' = match (Fpath.v image) with
| Ok data -> data
| Error (`Msg s) -> invalid_arg s
let argv = match boot_params with
| [] -> None
| xs -> Some xs
(* TODO we could do the compression btw *)
and vmimage = `Hvt_amd64, Cstruct.of_string image'
let vm_config = {
vname = name ; cpuid ; requested_memory ; block_device ; network ;
vmimage ; argv
} in
let cmd =
if force then
`Force_create_vm vm_config
`Create_vm vm_config
let succ _ = Ok ( (fun m -> m "successfully started VM")) in
jump opt_socket cmd succ
let console _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Console name) (fun (hdr, data) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
match Vmm_wire.Console.int_to_op hdr.Vmm_wire.tag with
| Some Vmm_wire.Console.Data ->
Vmm_wire.decode_id_ts data >>= fun ((name, ts), off) ->
Vmm_wire.decode_string (Cstruct.shift data off) >>= fun (msg, _) -> (fun m -> m "%a %a: %s" Ptime.pp ts Vmm_core.pp_id name msg) ;
Ok ()
| _ ->
Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "unknown operation %lx" hdr.Vmm_wire.tag)))
let stats _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Statistics name) (fun (hdr, data) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
match Vmm_wire.Stats.int_to_op hdr.Vmm_wire.tag with
| Some Vmm_wire.Stats.Data ->
Vmm_wire.decode_strings data >>= fun (name', off) ->
Vmm_wire.Stats.decode_stats (Cstruct.shift data off) >>| fun (ru, vmm, ifs) -> (fun m -> m "stats %a@.%a@.%a@.%a@."
pp_id name' Vmm_core.pp_rusage ru
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") (pair ~sep:(unit ": ") string int64)) vmm
Fmt.(list ~sep:(unit "@.") Vmm_core.pp_ifdata) ifs) ;
| _ ->
Error (`Msg (Printf.sprintf "unknown operation %lx" hdr.Vmm_wire.tag)))
let event_log _ opt_socket name =
jump opt_socket (`Log name) (fun (hdr, data) ->
let open Rresult.R.Infix in
match Vmm_wire.Log.int_to_op hdr.Vmm_wire.tag with
| Some Vmm_wire.Log.Broadcast ->
Vmm_wire.Log.decode_log_hdr data >>= fun (loghdr, logdata) ->
Vmm_wire.Log.decode_event logdata >>| fun event -> (fun m -> m "%a" Vmm_core.Log.pp (loghdr, event))
| _ ->
Ok (Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unknown operation %lx" hdr.Vmm_wire.tag)))
let help _ _ man_format cmds = function
| None -> `Help (`Pager, None)
| Some t when List.mem t cmds -> `Help (man_format, Some t)
| Some _ -> List.iter print_endline cmds; `Ok ()
let setup_log style_renderer level =
Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
Logs.set_level level;
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ~dst:Format.std_formatter ())
open Cmdliner
let setup_log =
Term.(const setup_log
$ Fmt_cli.style_renderer ()
$ Logs_cli.level ())
let socket =
let doc = "Socket to connect to" in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info [ "s" ; "socket" ] ~doc)
let force =
let doc = "force VM creation." in
Arg.(value & flag & info [ "f" ; "force" ] ~doc)
let image =
let doc = "File of virtual machine image." in
Arg.(required & pos 1 (some file) None & info [] ~doc)
let vm_c =
let parse s = `Ok (Vmm_core.id_of_string s)
(parse, Vmm_core.pp_id)
let vm_name =
let doc = "Name virtual machine." in
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some vm_c) None & info [] ~doc)
let destroy_cmd =
let doc = "destroys a virtual machine" in
let man =
`P "Destroy a virtual machine."]
Term.(ret (const destroy $ setup_log $ socket $ vm_name)), "destroy" ~doc ~man
let opt_vmname =
let doc = "Name virtual machine." in
Arg.(value & opt vm_c [] & info [ "n" ; "name"] ~doc)
let remove_policy_cmd =
let doc = "removes a policy" in
let man =
`P "Removes a policy."]
Term.(ret (const remove_policy $ setup_log $ socket $ opt_vmname)), "remove" ~doc ~man
let info_cmd =
let doc = "information about VMs" in
let man =
`P "Shows information about VMs."]
Term.(ret (const info_ $ setup_log $ socket $ opt_vmname)), "info" ~doc ~man
let policy_cmd =
let doc = "active policies" in
let man =
`P "Shows information about policies."]
Term.(ret (const policy $ setup_log $ socket $ opt_vmname)), "policy" ~doc ~man
let cpus =
let doc = "CPUids to allow" in
Arg.(value & opt_all int [] & info [ "cpu" ] ~doc)
let vms =
let doc = "Number of VMs to allow" in
Arg.(required & pos 0 (some int) None & info [] ~doc)
let block =
let doc = "Block storage to allow" in
Arg.(value & opt (some int) None & info [ "block" ] ~doc)
let mem =
let doc = "Memory to allow" in
Arg.(value & opt int 512 & info [ "mem" ] ~doc)
let b =
let parse s =
match String.cuts ~sep:"/" s with
| [ name ; fst ; lst ; gw ; nm ] ->
begin match Ipaddr.V4.(of_string fst, of_string lst, of_string gw) with
| Some fst, Some lst, Some gw ->
let nm = int_of_string nm in
if nm > 0 && nm <= 32 then
let net = Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.make nm gw in
if Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.mem fst net && Ipaddr.V4.Prefix.mem lst net then
`Ok (`External (name, fst, lst, gw, nm))
`Error "first or last IP are not in subnet"
`Error "netmask must be > 0 and <= 32"
with Failure _ -> `Error "couldn't parse netmask")
| _ -> `Error "couldn't parse IP address"
| [ name ] -> `Ok (`Internal name)
| _ -> `Error "couldn't parse bridge (either 'name' or 'name/fstIP/lstIP/gwIP/netmask')"
(parse, Vmm_core.pp_bridge)
let bridge =
let doc = "Bridge to provision" in
Arg.(value & opt_all b [] & info [ "bridge" ] ~doc)
let add_policy_cmd =
let doc = "Add a policy" in
let man =
`P "Adds a policy."]
Term.(ret (const add_policy $ setup_log $ socket $ opt_vmname $ vms $ mem $ cpus $ block $ bridge)), "add_policy" ~doc ~man
let cpu =
let doc = "CPUid" in
Arg.(value & opt int 0 & info [ "cpu" ] ~doc)
let args =
let doc = "Boot arguments" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info [ "arg" ] ~doc)
let block =
let doc = "Block device name" in
Arg.(value & opt (some string) None & info [ "block" ] ~doc)
let net =
let doc = "Network device" in
Arg.(value & opt_all string [] & info [ "net" ] ~doc)
let create_cmd =
let doc = "creates a virtual machine" in
let man =
`P "Creates a virtual machine."]
Term.(ret (const create $ setup_log $ socket $ force $ vm_name $ image $ cpu $ mem $ args $ block $ net)), "create" ~doc ~man
let console_cmd =
let doc = "console of a VM" in
let man =
`P "Shows console output of a VM."]
Term.(ret (const console $ setup_log $ socket $ vm_name)), "console" ~doc ~man
let stats_cmd =
let doc = "statistics of VMs" in
let man =
`P "Shows statistics of VMs."]
Term.(ret (const stats $ setup_log $ socket $ opt_vmname)), "stats" ~doc ~man
let log_cmd =
let doc = "Event log" in
let man =
`P "Shows event log of VM."]
Term.(ret (const event_log $ setup_log $ socket $ opt_vmname)), "log" ~doc ~man
let help_cmd =
let topic =
let doc = "The topic to get help on. `topics' lists the topics." in
Arg.(value & pos 0 (some string) None & info [] ~docv:"TOPIC" ~doc)
let doc = "display help about vmmc" in
let man =
`P "Prints help about conex commands and subcommands"]
Term.(ret (const help $ setup_log $ socket $ Term.man_format $ Term.choice_names $ topic)), "help" ~doc ~man
let default_cmd =
let doc = "VMM client" in
let man = [
`P "$(tname) connects to vmmd via a local socket" ]
Term.(ret (const help $ setup_log $ socket $ Term.man_format $ Term.choice_names $ Term.pure None)), "vmmc" ~version:"%%VERSION_NUM%%" ~doc ~man
let cmds = [ help_cmd ; info_cmd ; policy_cmd ; remove_policy_cmd ; add_policy_cmd ; destroy_cmd ; create_cmd ; console_cmd ; stats_cmd ; log_cmd ]
let () =
match Term.eval_choice default_cmd cmds
with `Ok () -> exit 0 | _ -> exit 1