2018-09-09 20:52:04 +02:00

252 lines
8.1 KiB

(* (c) 2017 Hannes Mehnert, all rights reserved *)
(* the process responsible for event log *)
(* communication channel is a single unix domain socket shared between vmmd and
vmm_log. There are two commands from vmmd to vmm_log, history and data. *)
(* TODO: this should (optionally?) persist to a remote target *)
(* internally, a ring buffer for the last N events is preserved in memory
each new event is directly written to disk! *)
open Lwt.Infix
open Astring
let my_version = `WV2
type t = N of Lwt_unix.file_descr list * t String.Map.t
let empty = N ([], String.Map.empty)
let insert id fd t =
let rec go (N (fds, m)) = function
| [] -> N ((fd :: fds), m)
| x::xs ->
let n = match String.Map.find_opt x m with
| None -> empty
| Some n -> n
let entry = go n xs in
N (fds, String.Map.add x entry m)
go t id
let remove id fd t =
let rec go (N (fds, m)) = function
| [] ->
begin match List.filter (fun fd' -> fd <> fd') fds with
| [] -> None
| fds' -> Some (N (fds', m))
| x::xs ->
let n' = match String.Map.find_opt x m with
| None -> None
| Some n -> go n xs
let m' = match n' with
| None -> String.Map.remove x m
| Some entry -> String.Map.add x entry m
if String.Map.is_empty m' && fds = [] then None else Some (N (fds, m'))
match go t id with
| None -> empty
| Some n -> n
let collect id t =
let rec go acc prefix (N (fds, m)) =
let acc' =
let here = (fun fd -> (prefix, fd)) fds in
here @ acc
| [] -> acc'
| x::xs ->
match String.Map.find_opt x m with
| None -> acc'
| Some n -> go acc' (prefix @ [ x ]) n xs
go [] [] t id
let broadcast prefix data t =
Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun t (id, s) ->
Vmm_lwt.write_wire s data >|= function
| Ok () -> t
| Error `Exception -> remove id s t)
t (collect prefix t)
let write_complete s cs =
let l = Cstruct.len cs in
let b = Cstruct.to_bytes cs in
let rec w off =
let len = l - off in
Lwt_unix.write s b off len >>= fun n ->
if n = len then Lwt.return_unit else w (off + n)
w 0
let write_to_file file =
let mvar = Lwt_mvar.create_empty () in
let rec write_loop ?(retry = true) ?data ?fd () =
match fd with
| None when retry ->
Lwt_unix.openfile file Lwt_unix.[O_APPEND;O_CREAT;O_WRONLY] 0o600 >>= fun fd ->
write_loop ~retry:false ?data ~fd ()
| None ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "retry is false, exiting") ;
| Some fd ->
(match data with
| None -> Lwt_mvar.take mvar
| Some d -> Lwt.return d) >>= fun data ->
(fun () -> write_complete fd data >|= fun () -> (true, None, Some fd))
(fun e ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception %s while writing" (Printexc.to_string e)) ;
Vmm_lwt.safe_close fd >|= fun () ->
(retry, Some data, None)) >>= fun (retry, data, fd) ->
write_loop ~retry ?data ?fd ()
mvar, write_loop
(* TODO:
- should there be an unsubscribe <prefix> command?
- should there be acks for history/datain?
let tree = ref empty
let bcast = ref 0L
let handle mvar ring s addr () = (fun m -> m "handling connection from %a" Vmm_lwt.pp_sockaddr addr) ;
let str = Fmt.strf "%a: CONNECT\n" (Ptime.pp_human ()) ( ()) in
Lwt_mvar.put mvar (Cstruct.of_string str) >>= fun () ->
let rec loop () =
Vmm_lwt.read_wire s >>= function
| Error (`Msg e) ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while reading %s" e) ;
loop ()
| Error _ ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "exception while reading") ;
| Ok (hdr, _) when Vmm_wire.is_reply hdr ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring reply") ;
loop ()
| Ok (hdr, _) when not (Vmm_wire.version_eq hdr.Vmm_wire.version my_version) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "unsupported version") ;
| Ok (hdr, data) -> match Vmm_wire.Log.int_to_op hdr.Vmm_wire.tag with
| Some Vmm_wire.Log.Log ->
begin match Vmm_wire.Log.decode_log_hdr data with
| Error (`Msg err) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring error %s while decoding log" err) ;
loop ()
| Ok (hdr, _) ->
Vmm_ring.write ring (hdr.Vmm_core.Log.ts, Cstruct.to_string data) ;
Lwt_mvar.put mvar data >>= fun () ->
let data' = Vmm_wire.encode ~body:data my_version !bcast (Vmm_wire.Log.op_to_int Vmm_wire.Log.Broadcast) in
bcast := Int64.succ !bcast ;
broadcast hdr.Vmm_core.Log.context data' !tree >>= fun tree' ->
tree := tree' ;
loop ()
| Some Vmm_wire.Log.History ->
begin match Vmm_wire.decode_id_ts data with
| Error (`Msg err) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring error %s while decoding history" err) ;
loop ()
| Ok ((sub, ts), _) ->
let elements = Vmm_ring.read_history ring ts in
let res =
List.fold_left (fun acc (_, x) ->
let cs = Cstruct.of_string x in
match Vmm_wire.Log.decode_log_hdr cs with
| Ok (hdr, _) when Vmm_core.is_sub_id ~super:hdr.Vmm_core.Log.context ~sub ->
cs :: acc
| _ -> acc)
[] elements
(* just need a wrapper in tag = Log.Data, id = reqid *)
Lwt_list.fold_left_s (fun r body ->
match r with
| Ok () ->
let data = Vmm_wire.encode ~body my_version (Vmm_wire.Log.op_to_int Vmm_wire.Log.Log) in
Vmm_lwt.write_wire s data
| Error e -> Lwt.return (Error e))
(Ok ()) res >>= function
| Ok () -> loop ()
| Error _ ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while sending data in history") ;
| Some Vmm_wire.Log.Subscribe ->
begin match Vmm_wire.decode_strings data with
| Error (`Msg err) ->
Logs.warn (fun m -> m "ignoring error %s while decoding subscribe" err) ;
loop ()
| Ok (id, _) ->
tree := insert id s !tree ;
let out = Vmm_wire.success my_version hdr.Vmm_wire.tag in
Vmm_lwt.write_wire s out >>= function
| Ok () -> loop ()
| Error _ ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "error while sending reply for subscribe") ;
| _ ->
Logs.err (fun m -> m "unknown command") ;
loop ()
loop () >>= fun () ->
Vmm_lwt.safe_close s
(* should remove all the s from the tree above *)
let jump _ file sock =
Sys.(set_signal sigpipe Signal_ignore) ;
((Lwt_unix.file_exists sock >>= function
| true -> Lwt_unix.unlink sock
| false -> Lwt.return_unit) >>= fun () ->
let s = Lwt_unix.(socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0) in
Lwt_unix.(bind s (ADDR_UNIX sock)) >>= fun () ->
Lwt_unix.listen s 1 ;
let ring = Vmm_ring.create () in
let mvar, writer = write_to_file file in
let rec loop () =
Lwt_unix.accept s >>= fun (cs, addr) ->
Lwt.async (handle mvar ring cs addr) ;
loop ()
Lwt.pick [ loop () ; writer () ]) ;
`Ok ()
let setup_log style_renderer level =
Fmt_tty.setup_std_outputs ?style_renderer ();
Logs.set_level level;
Logs.set_reporter (Logs_fmt.reporter ~dst:Format.std_formatter ())
open Cmdliner
let setup_log =
Term.(const setup_log
$ Fmt_cli.style_renderer ()
$ Logs_cli.level ())
let socket =
let doc = "Socket to listen on" in
let sock = Fpath.(to_string (Vmm_core.tmpdir / "log" + "sock")) in
Arg.(value & opt string sock & info [ "s" ; "socket" ] ~doc)
let file =
let doc = "File to write the log to" in
Arg.(value & opt string "/var/log/albatross" & info [ "logfile" ] ~doc)
let cmd =
Term.(ret (const jump $ setup_log $ file $ socket)), "vmm_log" ~version:"%%VERSION_NUM%%"
let () = match Term.eval cmd with `Ok () -> exit 0 | _ -> exit 1