Hannes Mehnert 82782363b8 Vmm_unix.check_commands : unit -> (unit, [> `Msg of string ]) result - which
checks (platform-dependent) all required executables
Vmm_unix.prepare/exec execute solo5-{spt/hvt} depending on the image type
 (solo5-elftool figures that out), use jsonm to parse output
Vmm_unix: use ip on linux, no longer ifconfig
2019-10-27 21:31:37 +01:00

39 lines
1.3 KiB

(* this is copied from the example (in a comment) in jsonm *)
type json =
[ `Null | `Bool of bool | `Float of float| `String of string
| `A of json list | `O of (string * json) list ]
exception Escape of ((int * int) * (int * int)) * Jsonm.error
let find_string_value k = function
| `Null | `Bool _ | `Float _ | `String _ | `A _ ->
Rresult.R.error_msgf "couldn't find %s in json" k
| `O dict ->
match List.find_opt (fun (key, _) -> String.equal k key) dict with
| Some (_, `String value) -> Ok value
| _ -> Rresult.R.error_msgf "couldn't find %s in json dictionary" k
let json_of_string src =
let dec d = match Jsonm.decode d with
| `Lexeme l -> l
| `Error e -> raise (Escape (Jsonm.decoded_range d, e))
| `End | `Await -> assert false
let rec value v k d = match v with
| `Os -> obj [] k d | `As -> arr [] k d
| `Null | `Bool _ | `String _ | `Float _ as v -> k v d
| _ -> assert false
and arr vs k d = match dec d with
| `Ae -> k (`A (List.rev vs)) d
| v -> value v (fun v -> arr (v :: vs) k) d
and obj ms k d = match dec d with
| `Oe -> k (`O (List.rev ms)) d
| `Name n -> value (dec d) (fun v -> obj ((n, v) :: ms) k) d
| _ -> assert false
let d = Jsonm.decoder (`String src) in
try Ok (value (dec d) (fun v _ -> v) d) with Escape (_, e) -> Error e