open Lwt.Syntax type state = { env : (string, string) Hashtbl.t ; sigwinch : (int * int) Lwt_condition.t ; mutable size : int * int } module K = struct open Cmdliner let port = let doc = ~doc:"The TCP port for listening for SSH connections" ["port"] in Arg.(value & opt int 22 doc) let hostkey = let doc = ~doc:"SSH host key" ["hostkey"] in Arg.(required & opt (some string) None doc) end module Main (_ : Mirage_crypto_rng_mirage.S) (T : Mirage_time.S) (M : Mirage_clock.MCLOCK) (Stack : Tcpip.Stack.V4V6) = struct module Ssh = Banawa_mirage.Make(Stack.TCP)(T)(M) module Nottui' = Nottui_mirage.Make(T) let buffer = Rb.make 1024 let buffer_var = Lwd.var buffer let callback flow stop t ~username r = match r with | Ssh.Pty_req { width; height; _ } -> t.size <- (Int32.to_int width, Int32.to_int height); Lwt.return_unit | Ssh.Pty_set { width; height; _ } -> Lwt_condition.broadcast t.sigwinch (Int32.to_int width, Int32.to_int height); Lwt.return_unit | Ssh.Set_env _ -> Lwt.return_unit | Ssh.Channel { cmd; ic=_; oc=_; ec } -> let* () = ec (Printf.ksprintf Cstruct.of_string "Thanks for logging in! Currently, %S is unsupported\r\n\ Check back later." cmd) in let* () = Lwt_switch.turn_off stop in Stack.TCP.close flow | Ssh.Shell { ic; oc; ec=_ } -> let ic () = let+ r = ic () in match r with | `Data cs -> `Data ( (function '\r' -> '\n' | c -> c) cs) | `Eof -> `Eof in let cursor = Lwd.var (0, 0) in let message m = let msg = Message.make ~nickname:username m in Lwd.set buffer_var (Rb.push buffer msg; buffer); in let quit () = let msg = Message.msgf "%s tried to quit, but it is not implemented" username in Lwd.set buffer_var (Rb.push buffer msg; buffer); in Lwd.set buffer_var (Rb.push buffer (Message.msgf "Welcome, %s!" username); buffer); let ui = let ( let* ) x f = Lwd.bind x ~f in let* prompt = Prompt.make ~quit ~message cursor in let* window = Window.make buffer_var in Lwd.return (Nottui.Ui.vcat [window; prompt]) in Lwt.join [ Nottui'.run ~cursor (t.size, t.sigwinch) ui ic oc; ] let start _random _time _mtime stack port hostkey = let hostkey = match Awa.Keys.of_string hostkey with | Ok k -> k | Error `Msg e -> Logs.err (fun m -> m "%s" e); exit 1 in let server, msgs = Awa.Server.make hostkey in Stack.TCP.listen (Stack.tcp stack) ~port (fun flow -> let stop = Lwt_switch.create () in let state = { env = Hashtbl.create 0x10 ; sigwinch = Lwt_condition.create () ; size = (0, 0) } in let _ssh = Ssh.spawn_server ~stop server msgs flow (callback flow stop state) in Lwt.return_unit); fst (Lwt.wait ()) end