(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre *) (* *) (* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *) (* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *) (* License version 2.1, with the special exception on linking *) (* described in file LICENSE. *) (* *) (* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) exception Out_of_bounds module type STRING = sig type t type char val length : t -> int val empty : t val singleton : char -> t val append : t -> t -> t val get : t -> int -> char val sub : t -> int -> int -> t val iter_range : (char -> unit) -> t -> int -> int -> unit val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module type ROPE = sig include STRING val is_empty : t -> bool val set : t -> int -> char -> t val delete : t -> int -> t val insert_char : t -> int -> char -> t val insert : t -> int -> t -> t module Cursor : sig type cursor val empty : cursor val create : t -> int -> cursor val position : cursor -> int val to_rope : cursor -> t val move_forward : cursor -> int -> cursor val move_backward : cursor -> int -> cursor val move : cursor -> int -> cursor val get : cursor -> char val set : cursor -> char -> cursor val insert_char : cursor -> char -> cursor val insert : cursor -> t -> cursor val delete : cursor -> cursor val print : Format.formatter -> cursor -> unit end end module type CONTROL = sig val small_length : int val maximal_height : int end module Make (S : STRING) (C : CONTROL) = struct type t = (* s,ofs,len with 0 <= ofs < len(s), ofs+len <= len(s) *) | Str of S.t * int * int (* t1,t2,len,height with 0 < len t1, len t2 *) | App of t * t * int * int type char = S.char let empty = Str (S.empty, 0, 0) let length = function Str (_, _, n) | App (_, _, n, _) -> n let of_string s = Str (s, 0, S.length s) let singleton c = of_string (S.singleton c) let height = function Str _ -> 0 | App (_, _, _, h) -> h (* smart constructor *) let mk_app t1 t2 = App (t1, t2, length t1 + length t2, 1 + max (height t1) (height t2)) let app = function | Str (_, _, 0), t | t, Str (_, _, 0) -> t | Str (s1, ofs1, len1), Str (s2, ofs2, len2) when len1 <= C.small_length && len2 <= C.small_length -> Str (S.append (S.sub s1 ofs1 len1) (S.sub s2 ofs2 len2), 0, len1 + len2) | App (t1, Str (s1, ofs1, len1), _, _), Str (s2, ofs2, len2) when len1 <= C.small_length && len2 <= C.small_length -> App ( t1 , Str ( S.append (S.sub s1 ofs1 len1) (S.sub s2 ofs2 len2) , 0 , len1 + len2 ) , length t1 + len1 + len2 , 1 + height t1 ) | Str (s1, ofs1, len1), App (Str (s2, ofs2, len2), t2, _, _) when len1 <= C.small_length && len2 <= C.small_length -> App ( Str ( S.append (S.sub s1 ofs1 len1) (S.sub s2 ofs2 len2) , 0 , len1 + len2 ) , t2 , len1 + len2 + length t2 , 1 + height t2 ) | t1, t2 -> App (t1, t2, length t1 + length t2, 1 + max (height t1) (height t2)) let append t1 t2 = app (t1, t2) let ( ++ ) = append let _balance t = let rec to_list ((n, l) as acc) = function | Str _ as x -> (n + 1, x :: l) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> to_list (to_list acc t2) t1 in let rec build n l = assert (n >= 1); if n = 1 then match l with [] -> assert false | x :: r -> (x, r) else let n' = n / 2 in let t1, l = build n' l in let t2, l = build (n - n') l in (mk_app t1 t2, l) in let n, l = to_list (0, []) t in let t, l = build n l in assert (l = []); t let rec unsafe_get t i = match t with | Str (s, ofs, _) -> S.get s (ofs + i) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if i < n1 then unsafe_get t1 i else unsafe_get t2 (i - n1) let get t i = if i < 0 || i >= length t then raise Out_of_bounds; unsafe_get t i let is_empty t = length t = 0 (* assumption: 0 <= start < stop <= len(t) *) let rec mksub start stop t = if start = 0 && stop = length t then t else match t with | Str (s, ofs, _) -> Str (s, ofs + start, stop - start) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if stop <= n1 then mksub start stop t1 else if start >= n1 then mksub (start - n1) (stop - n1) t2 else app (mksub start n1 t1, mksub 0 (stop - n1) t2) let sub t ofs len = let stop = ofs + len in if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || stop > length t then raise Out_of_bounds; if len = 0 then empty else mksub ofs stop t let rec safe_iter_range f i n = function | Str (s, ofs, _) -> S.iter_range f s (ofs + i) n | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if i + n <= n1 then safe_iter_range f i n t1 else if i >= n1 then safe_iter_range f (i - n1) n t2 else ( safe_iter_range f i n1 t1; safe_iter_range f (i - n1) (n - n1) t2) let iter_range f t ofs len = if ofs < 0 || len < 0 || ofs + len > length t then raise Out_of_bounds; safe_iter_range f ofs len t let rec print fmt = function | Str (s, ofs, len) -> S.print fmt (S.sub s ofs len) (* TODO: improve? *) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> print fmt t1; print fmt t2 (* assumption: 0 <= i < len t *) let rec set_rec i c = function | Str (s, ofs, len) when i = 0 -> app (singleton c, Str (s, ofs + 1, len - 1)) | Str (s, ofs, len) when i = len - 1 -> app (Str (s, ofs, len - 1), singleton c) | Str (s, ofs, len) -> app (Str (s, ofs, i), app (singleton c, Str (s, ofs + i + 1, len - i - 1))) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if i < n1 then app (set_rec i c t1, t2) else app (t1, set_rec (i - n1) c t2) (* set t i c = sub t 0 i ++ singleton c ++ sub t (i+1) (length t-i-1) *) let set t i c = let n = length t in if i < 0 || i >= n then raise Out_of_bounds; set_rec i c t (* assumption: 0 <= i < len t *) let rec delete_rec i = function | Str (_, _, 1) -> assert (i = 0); empty | Str (s, ofs, len) when i = 0 -> Str (s, ofs + 1, len - 1) | Str (s, ofs, len) when i = len - 1 -> Str (s, ofs, len - 1) | Str (s, ofs, len) -> app (Str (s, ofs, i), Str (s, ofs + i + 1, len - i - 1)) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if i < n1 then app (delete_rec i t1, t2) else app (t1, delete_rec (i - n1) t2) (* delete t i = sub t 0 i ++ sub t (i + 1) (length t - i - 1) *) let delete t i = let n = length t in if i < 0 || i >= n then raise Out_of_bounds; delete_rec i t (* assumption: 0 <= i < len t *) let rec insert_rec i r = function | Str _ as s when i = 0 -> app (r, s) | Str (_, _, len) as s when i = len -> app (s, r) | Str (s, ofs, len) -> Str (s, ofs, i) ++ r ++ Str (s, ofs + i, len - i) | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if i < n1 then app (insert_rec i r t1, t2) else app (t1, insert_rec (i - n1) r t2) (* insert t i r = sub t 0 i ++ r ++ sub t i (length t - i) *) let insert t i r = let n = length t in if i < 0 || i > n then raise Out_of_bounds; insert_rec i r t let insert_char t i c = insert t i (singleton c) (* cursors *) module Cursor = struct type path = Top | Left of path * t | Right of t * path type cursor = { rpos : int (* position of the cursor relative to the current leaf *) ; lofs : int (* offset of the current leaf wrt whole rope *) ; leaf : t (* the leaf i.e. Str (s,ofs,len) *) ; path : path (* context = zipper *) } (* INVARIANT: 0 <= rpos <= len rpos = len iff we are located at the end of the whole rope *) (* TODO(dinosaure): prove that [leaf] contains only a concrete [Str] value. *) let position c = c.lofs + c.rpos (* cursor -> rope *) let rec unzip t = function | Top -> t | Left (p, tr) -> unzip (app (t, tr)) p | Right (tl, p) -> unzip (app (tl, t)) p let to_rope c = unzip c.leaf c.path let create r i = let rec zip lofs p = function | Str (_, _, len) as leaf -> assert (lofs <= i && i <= lofs + len); { rpos = i - lofs; lofs; leaf; path = p } | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> let n1 = length t1 in if i < lofs + n1 then zip lofs (Left (p, t2)) t1 else zip (lofs + n1) (Right (t1, p)) t2 in if i < 0 || i > length r then raise Out_of_bounds; zip 0 Top r let get c = match c.leaf with | Str (s, ofs, len) -> let i = c.rpos in if i = len then raise Out_of_bounds; S.get s (ofs + i) | App _ -> assert false (* TODO: improve using concatenations when lengths <= small_length *) let set c x = match c.leaf with | Str (s, ofs, len) -> let i = c.rpos in if i = len then raise Out_of_bounds; let leaf = Str (S.singleton x, 0, 1) in if i = 0 then if len = 1 then { c with leaf } else { c with leaf; path = Left (c.path, Str (s, ofs + 1, len - 1)) } else if i = len - 1 then { lofs = c.lofs + len - 1 ; rpos = 0 ; leaf ; path = Right (Str (s, ofs, len - 1), c.path) } else { lofs = c.lofs + i ; rpos = 0 ; leaf ; path = Left ( Right (Str (s, ofs, i), c.path) , Str (s, ofs + i + 1, len - i - 1) ) } | App _ -> assert false let rec concat_path p1 p2 = match p1 with | Top -> p2 | Left (p, r) -> Left (concat_path p p2, r) | Right (l, p) -> Right (l, concat_path p p2) (* TODO: improve using concatenations when lengths <= small_length *) let insert c r = match c.leaf with | Str (s, ofs, len) -> let i = c.rpos in let cr = create r 0 in if i = 0 then { cr with lofs = c.lofs ; path = concat_path cr.path (Left (c.path, c.leaf)) } else if i = len then { cr with lofs = c.lofs + len ; path = concat_path cr.path (Right (c.leaf, c.path)) } else { cr with lofs = c.lofs + i ; path = concat_path cr.path (Left (Right (Str (s, ofs, i), c.path), Str (s, ofs + i, len - i))) } | App _ -> assert false let insert_char c x = insert c (of_string (S.singleton x)) (* moves to start of next leaf (on the right) if any, or raises [Out_of_bounds] *) let next_leaf c = let lofs = c.lofs + length c.leaf in let rec down p = function | Str _ as leaf -> { rpos = 0; lofs; leaf; path = p } | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> down (Left (p, t2)) t1 in let rec up t = function | Top -> raise Out_of_bounds | Right (l, p) -> up (mk_app l t) p | Left (p, r) -> down (Right (t, p)) r in up c.leaf c.path let rec move_forward_rec c n = match c.leaf with | Str (_, _, len) -> let rpos' = c.rpos + n in if rpos' < len then { c with rpos = rpos' } else if rpos' = len then try next_leaf c with Out_of_bounds -> { c with rpos = rpos' } else (* rpos' > len *) let c = next_leaf c in move_forward_rec c (rpos' - len) (* TODO: improve? *) | App _ -> assert false let move_forward c n = if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Rop.move_forward"; if n = 0 then c else move_forward_rec c n (* moves to the end of previous leaf (on the left) if any, raises [Out_of_bounds] otherwise *) let prev_leaf c = let rec down p = function | Str (_, _, len) as leaf -> { rpos = len; lofs = c.lofs - len; leaf; path = p } | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> down (Right (t1, p)) t2 in let rec up t = function | Top -> raise Out_of_bounds | Right (l, p) -> down (Left (p, t)) l | Left (p, r) -> up (mk_app t r) p in up c.leaf c.path let rec move_backward_rec c n = match c.leaf with | Str (_, _, _len) -> let rpos' = c.rpos - n in if rpos' >= 0 then { c with rpos = rpos' } else (* rpos' < 0 *) let c = prev_leaf c in move_backward_rec c (-rpos') | App _ -> assert false let move_backward c n = if n < 0 then invalid_arg "Rop.move_backward"; if n = 0 then c else move_backward_rec c n let move c n = if n = 0 then c else if n > 0 then move_forward_rec c n else move_backward_rec c (-n) let rec _leftmost lofs p = function | Str _ as leaf -> { rpos = 0; lofs; leaf; path = p } | App (t1, t2, _, _) -> _leftmost lofs (Left (p, t2)) t1 (* XXX(dinosaure): the code does not work when we delete the last character and redo the operation. Actually, this impl. works with: - next_leaf { c with leaf = Str (s, ofs, len - 1) } + try next_leaf { c with leaf = Str (s, ofs, len - 1) } + with Out_of_bounds (* Top *) -> + { c with leaf= Str (s, ofs, len - 1) } But we need to fuzz and prove it! *) let delete c = match c.leaf with | Str (s, ofs, len) -> let i = c.rpos in if i = len then raise Out_of_bounds; if i = 0 then if len = 1 then match c.path with | Top -> { c with leaf = empty } | Left (p, t) -> (* leftmost c.lofs p r *) let r = to_rope { c with leaf = t; path = p } in create r c.lofs | Right (t, p) -> (* TODO: improve *) let r = to_rope { c with leaf = t; path = p } in create r c.lofs else { c with leaf = Str (s, ofs + 1, len - 1) } else if i = len - 1 then try next_leaf { c with leaf = Str (s, ofs, len - 1) } with Out_of_bounds (* Top *) -> { c with leaf = Str (s, ofs, len - 1) } else { lofs = c.lofs + i ; rpos = 0 ; leaf = Str (s, ofs + i + 1, len - i - 1) ; path = Right (Str (s, ofs, i), c.path) } | App _ -> assert false let print fmt c = (* TODO: improve *) let r = to_rope c in let i = position c in let before = sub r 0 i in let after = sub r i (length r - i) in print fmt before; Format.fprintf fmt "|"; print fmt after let empty = { rpos = 0; lofs = 0; leaf = Str (S.empty, 0, 0); path = Top } end end (* flat strings *) module Str = struct include String let get = unsafe_get type char = Char.t let empty = "" let singleton = String.make 1 let append = ( ^ ) let print = Format.pp_print_string let iter_range f s ofs len = (* safe *) for i = ofs to ofs + len - 1 do f (String.unsafe_get s i) done end module Control = struct let small_length = 256 let maximal_height = max_int end module String = Make (Str) (Control) (* ropes of any type (using arrays as flat sequences) *) module type Print = sig type t val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module Make_array (X : Print) = struct module A = struct type char = X.t type t = X.t array let length = Array.length let empty = [||] let singleton l = [| l |] let append = Array.append let get = Array.get let sub = Array.sub let iter_range f a ofs len = for i = ofs to ofs + len - 1 do f a.(i) done let print fmt a = Array.iter (X.print fmt) a end module C = struct let small_length = 256 let maximal_height = max_int end include Make (A) (C) let of_array = of_string let create n v = of_string (Array.make n v) let init n f = of_string (Array.init n f) end