2023-05-04 13:49:25 +02:00

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(* *)
(* Copyright (C) Jean-Christophe Filliatre *)
(* *)
(* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *)
(* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public *)
(* License version 2.1, with the special exception on linking *)
(* described in file LICENSE. *)
(* *)
(* This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
(* *)
(** Ropes are persistent data structures for long sequences. Elements
are of any type. When elements are characters, ropes thus implement
strings (with an interface identical to that of [String]) but with
far better performances w.r.t. concatenation of substring
extraction, especially on very large strings. *)
(** Ropes are naturally implemented as a functor turning a (possibly
inefficient) data structure of ``strings'' into another (more
efficient) data structure with the same signature. *)
exception Out_of_bounds
(** Input signature for the functor *)
module type STRING = sig
type t
type char
val length : t -> int
val empty : t
val singleton : char -> t
val append : t -> t -> t
val get : t -> int -> char
val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
(** [sub t ofs len] extracts the substring of length [len] at offset
[ofs], that is [t[ofs..ofs+len-1]].
Will always be called with a valid range. *)
val iter_range : (char -> unit) -> t -> int -> int -> unit
(** [iter_range f t ofs len] successively iterates [f] over characters
of [t] at offsets [ofs], [ofs+1], ..., [ofs+len-1], in this order.
Will always be called with a valid range. *)
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
(** Output signature of the functor. Note that it extends signature
[STRING] and thus functor [Make] below can be iterated several
times. *)
module type ROPE = sig
include STRING
val is_empty : t -> bool
(** [is_empty t] returns [true] if the given rope is empty. *)
val set : t -> int -> char -> t
(** [set t i c] returns a new rope identical to [t],
apart character [i] which is set to [c].
Raises [Out_of_bounds] if [i < 0 || i >= length t].
It is more equivalent to (but more efficient than)
[sub t 0 i ++ singleton c ++ sub t (i+1) (length t-i-1)] *)
val delete : t -> int -> t
(** [delete t i] returns a new rope obtained by removing character [i]
in [t]. Raises [Out_of_bounds] if [i < 0 || i >= length t].
It is more equivalent to (but more efficient than)
[sub t 0 i ++ sub t (i + 1) (length t - i - 1)] *)
val insert_char : t -> int -> char -> t
(** [insert t i c] returns a new rope resulting from the insertion of
character [c] at position [i] in [t], that right before character [i].
Raises [Out_of_bounds] if [i < 0 || i > length t].
It is more equivalent to (but more efficient than)
[sub t 0 i ++ singleton c ++ sub t i (length t - i)] *)
val insert : t -> int -> t -> t
(** [insert t i r] returns a new rope resulting from the insertion
of rope [r] at position [i] in [t].
Raises [Out_of_bounds] if [i < 0 || i > length t].
It is more equivalent to (but more efficient than)
[sub t 0 i ++ r ++ sub t i (length t - i)] *)
(** Cursors are persistent data structures to navigate within ropes.
When several operations are to be performed locally on a rope
(such as local deletions, insertions or even simple accesses),
then the use of cursors can be more efficient than the use of
rope operations.
It is convenient to see the cursor as placed between two characters,
so that a rope of length [n] has [n+1] cursor positions. *)
module Cursor : sig
type cursor
val empty : cursor
(** [empty] is a cursor for an empty rope. *)
val create : t -> int -> cursor
(** [create t i] returns a cursor placed before character [i] of rope
[t]. Raises [Out_of_bounds] is [i < 0 || i > length t].
Note that [i = length t] is a valid argument, resulting in a cursor
placed right after the last character of the rope (i.e. at the
end of the rope). *)
val position : cursor -> int
(** [position c] returns the position of cursor [c] in its rope. *)
val to_rope : cursor -> t
(** [to_rope c] returns the rope corresponding to cursor [c]. *)
val move_forward : cursor -> int -> cursor
(** [move_forward c n] moves cursor [c] [n] characters forward.
Raises [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0].
Raises [Out_of_bounds] if it moves the cursor beyond the end of
the rope. *)
val move_backward : cursor -> int -> cursor
(** [move_backward c n] moves cursor [c] [n] characters
backward. Raises [Invalid_argument] if [n < 0]. Raises
[Out_of_bounds] if it moves the cursor beyond the start of
the rope. *)
val move : cursor -> int -> cursor
(** [move c n] moves cursor [c] [n] characters away from its current
location, relatively to the sign of [n] (i.e. forward if [n > 0] and
backward if [n < 0]). Raises [Out_of_bounds] if it moves the cursor
beyond the start or the end of the rope. *)
val get : cursor -> char
(** [get c] returns the character right after cursor
[c]. Raises [Out_of_bounds] if the cursor is located at the
end of the rope. *)
val set : cursor -> char -> cursor
(** [set c x] returns a new cursor identical to [c] apart from
the character right after the cursor position, which is set
to [x]. Raises [Out_of_bounds] if the cursor is located at
the end of the rope. *)
val insert_char : cursor -> char -> cursor
(** [insert_char c x] returns a new cursor obtained from [c] by
inserting character [x] at the cursor position. The new
cursor is located right before the newly inserted character
(i.e. at the same absolute position in the rope). *)
val insert : cursor -> t -> cursor
(** [insert c r] is similar to [insert_char] but inserts a rope [r] at
the cursor point instead of a character. *)
val delete : cursor -> cursor
(** [delete c] deletes the character right after the cursor location.
Raises [Out_of_bounds] if the cursor is located at the end of the
rope. *)
val print : Format.formatter -> cursor -> unit
(** [print fmt c] prints cursor [c] on formatter [fmt], as a string
["abc...|def..."] where ["abc..."] is the portion of the rope
before the cursor position and ["def..."] the portion after. *)
(** The functor to build ropes, turning an implemention of strings [S]
into an implemention of ropes.
It is controlled by two parameters:
- [small_length] is the maximal length under which we perform
concatenation of flat strings, i.e. when two ropes of length at most
[small_length] are concatenated, then the corresponding flat string is
- [maximal_height] is the threshold for rebalancing: when a rope has
height at least [maximal_height] it is then rebalanced; setting
[small_length] to [max_int] will result in ropes that are never
rebalanced (which is perfectly fine in many applications).
module type CONTROL = sig
val small_length : int
val maximal_height : int
module Make (S : STRING) (C : CONTROL) : sig
include ROPE with type char = S.char
val of_string : S.t -> t
(** Instance: usual strings (i.e. with [type char = Char.t]) is a
particular instance of functor [Make] above, which is directly
provided here as module [S] *)
module String : sig
include ROPE with type char = Char.t
val of_string : string -> t
(** Elements of ropes can be of any type, of course. In that case,
they must rather be seen as arrays instead of strings. The
following functor builds ropes for a given (printable) type of
elements (using arrays internally for flat strings). *)
module type Print = sig
type t
val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
module Make_array (X : Print) : sig
include ROPE with type char = X.t
val of_array : X.t array -> t
val create : int -> X.t -> t
val init : int -> (int -> X.t) -> t