
356 lines
8.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

module Main exposing (..)
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, input, text, li, ul, a, h4, label, i, span)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, classList, id, type_, for)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import WebSocket exposing (listen)
import Json.Decode exposing (int, string, float, list, bool, Decoder)
import Json.Encode
import Json.Decode.Pipeline exposing (decode, required, optional, hardcoded)
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
scheduleServer : String
scheduleServer =
type alias Model =
{ days : List Day
, eventInstances : List EventInstance
, eventLocations : List EventLocation
, eventTypes : List EventType
, flags : Flags
, activeDay : Day
, filter : Filter
type alias Filter =
{ eventTypes : List EventType
, eventLocations : List EventLocation
type alias Day =
{ day_name : String
, iso : String
, repr : String
type alias Speaker =
{ name : String
, url : String
type alias EventInstance =
{ title : String
, id : Int
, url : String
, abstract : String
, eventSlug : String
, eventType : String
, backgroundColor : String
, forgroundColor : String
, from : String
, to : String
, timeslots : Float
, location : String
, locationIcon : String
, speakers : List Speaker
, videoRecording : Bool
, videoUrl : String
type alias EventLocation =
{ name : String
, slug : String
, icon : String
type alias EventType =
{ name : String
, slug : String
, color : String
, lightText : Bool
type alias Flags =
{ schedule_timeslot_length_minutes : Int
, schedule_midnight_offset_hours : Int
, ics_button_href : String
, camp_slug : String
allDaysDay =
Day "All Days" "" ""
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init flags =
( Model [] [] [] [] flags allDaysDay (Filter [] []), sendInitMessage flags.camp_slug )
sendInitMessage : String -> Cmd Msg
sendInitMessage camp_slug =
WebSocket.send scheduleServer
(Json.Encode.encode 0
[ ( "action", Json.Encode.string "init" )
, ( "camp_slug", Json.Encode.string camp_slug )
type Msg
= NoOp
| WebSocketPayload String
| MakeActiveday Day
| ToggleEventTypeFilter EventType
| ToggleEventLocationFilter EventLocation
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
NoOp ->
( model, Cmd.none )
WebSocketPayload str ->
newModel =
case Json.Decode.decodeString initDataDecoder str of
Ok m ->
m model.flags allDaysDay (Filter [] [])
Err error ->
newModel ! []
MakeActiveday day ->
{ model | activeDay = day } ! []
ToggleEventTypeFilter eventType ->
eventTypesFilter =
if List.member eventType model.filter.eventTypes then
List.filter (\x -> x /= eventType) model.filter.eventTypes
eventType :: model.filter.eventTypes
currentFilter =
newFilter =
{ currentFilter | eventTypes = eventTypesFilter }
{ model | filter = newFilter } ! []
ToggleEventLocationFilter eventLocation ->
eventLocationsFilter =
if List.member eventLocation model.filter.eventLocations then
List.filter (\x -> x /= eventLocation) model.filter.eventLocations
eventLocation :: model.filter.eventLocations
currentFilter =
newFilter =
{ currentFilter | eventLocations = eventLocationsFilter }
{ model | filter = newFilter } ! []
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
WebSocket.listen scheduleServer WebSocketPayload
dayDecoder : Decoder Day
dayDecoder =
decode Day
|> required "day_name" string
|> required "iso" string
|> required "repr" string
speakerDecoder : Decoder Speaker
speakerDecoder =
decode Speaker
|> required "name" string
|> required "url" string
eventInstanceDecoder : Decoder EventInstance
eventInstanceDecoder =
decode EventInstance
|> required "title" string
|> required "id" int
|> required "url" string
|> required "abstract" string
|> required "event_slug" string
|> required "event_type" string
|> required "bg-color" string
|> required "fg-color" string
|> required "from" string
|> required "to" string
|> required "timeslots" float
|> required "location" string
|> required "location_icon" string
|> required "speakers" (list speakerDecoder)
|> required "video_recording" bool
|> optional "video_url" string ""
eventLocationDecoder : Decoder EventLocation
eventLocationDecoder =
decode EventLocation
|> required "name" string
|> required "slug" string
|> required "icon" string
eventTypeDecoder : Decoder EventType
eventTypeDecoder =
decode EventType
|> required "name" string
|> required "slug" string
|> required "color" string
|> required "light_text" bool
initDataDecoder : Decoder (Flags -> Day -> Filter -> Model)
initDataDecoder =
decode Model
|> required "days" (list dayDecoder)
|> required "event_instances" (list eventInstanceDecoder)
|> required "event_locations" (list eventLocationDecoder)
|> required "event_types" (list eventTypeDecoder)
dayButton : Day -> Day -> Html Msg
dayButton day activeDay =
[ classList
[ ( "btn", True )
, ( "btn-default", day /= activeDay )
, ( "btn-primary", day == activeDay )
, onClick (MakeActiveday day)
[ text day.day_name
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
div []
[ div [ class "row" ]
[ div [ id "schedule-days", class "btn-group" ]
( (\day -> dayButton day model.activeDay) (allDaysDay :: model.days))
, div [ class "row" ]
[ div
[ classList
[ ( "col-sm-3", True )
, ( "col-sm-9", True )
, ( "schedule-filter", True )
[ h4 [] [ text "Filter" ]
, div [ class "form-group" ]
[ filterView "Type" model.eventTypes model.filter.eventTypes ToggleEventTypeFilter
, filterView "Location" model.eventLocations model.filter.eventLocations ToggleEventLocationFilter
, div [] []
filterView :
-> List { a | name : String }
-> List { a | name : String }
-> ({ a | name : String } -> Msg)
-> Html Msg
filterView name possibleFilters currentFilters action =
div []
[ text (name ++ ":")
, ul [] ( (\filter -> filterChoiceView filter currentFilters action) possibleFilters)
filterChoiceView :
{ a | name : String }
-> List { a | name : String }
-> ({ a | name : String } -> Msg)
-> Html Msg
filterChoiceView filter currentFilters action =
active =
List.member filter currentFilters
notActive =
not active
li []
[ div
[ classList
[ ( "btn", True )
, ( "btn-default", True )
, ( "filter-choice-active", active )
, onClick (action filter)
[ span []
[ i [ classList [ ( "fa", True ), ( "fa-minus", active ), ( "fa-plus", notActive ) ] ] []
, text (" " ++
locationFilter : List EventLocation -> Html Msg
locationFilter eventLocations =
div [] [ text "Location:" ]