diff --git a/src/camps/templates/bornhack-2016_camp_detail.html b/src/camps/templates/bornhack-2016_camp_detail.html index f5dd3016..9ff81564 100644 --- a/src/camps/templates/bornhack-2016_camp_detail.html +++ b/src/camps/templates/bornhack-2016_camp_detail.html @@ -4,57 +4,57 @@ {% load imageutils %} {% block content %}
- +
+ -
- Bornhack 2016 was the first BornHack. It took place from August 27 to September 3rd 2016 on the Danish island of Bornholm. The tagline of this event was Initial Commit. -
- {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/esbjerg' '1600x988-B12A2612.jpg' 'A quiet moment in the chillout area by the bar' %} -
+ Bornhack 2016 was the first BornHack. It took place from August 27 to September 3rd 2016 on the Danish island of Bornholm. The tagline of this event was Initial Commit. +
+ {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/esbjerg' '1600x988-B12A2612.jpg' 'A quiet moment in the chillout area by the bar' %} +

- {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/fonsmark' 'FB1_5128.JPG' 'Emma Holten speaking at BornHack 2016' %} -
- With 3 keynotes, 38 talks, and 9 workshops we had an ambitious program which was well received by participants. We also had an amazing list of sponsors making the event financially possible. -
+ {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/fonsmark' 'FB1_5128.JPG' 'Emma Holten speaking at BornHack 2016' %} +
+ With 3 keynotes, 38 talks, and 9 workshops we had an ambitious program which was well received by participants. We also had an amazing list of sponsors making the event financially possible. +


Many of the speakers and keynotes were present for the full week, providing participants with ample opportunity to discuss projects and exchange ideas.

- {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/fonsmark' 'FB1_5149.JPG' 'Danish politicians debating at BornHack 2016' %} -

Many of the speakers and keynotes were present for the full week, providing participants with ample opportunity to discuss projects and exchange ideas.

+ {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/fonsmark' 'FB1_5149.JPG' 'Danish politicians debating at BornHack 2016' %} +

- {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/esbjerg' '1600x988-B12A2631.jpg' 'The BornHack 2016 organiser team' %} -
- The team behind BornHack 2016 had a lot of help from volunteer participants when it was needed. We are very grateful and will repay the kindness by continuing to organise awesome events. -
+ {% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/esbjerg' '1600x988-B12A2631.jpg' 'The BornHack 2016 organiser team' %} +
+ The team behind BornHack 2016 had a lot of help from volunteer participants when it was needed. We are very grateful and will repay the kindness by continuing to organise awesome events. +
{% endblock content %} diff --git a/src/program/templates/schedule_base.html b/src/program/templates/schedule_base.html index 18bba6d0..a760ba30 100644 --- a/src/program/templates/schedule_base.html +++ b/src/program/templates/schedule_base.html @@ -3,6 +3,12 @@ {% block program_content %} + +
@@ -30,10 +36,10 @@ {% endfor %} - {% for loc in camp.event_locations %} - + {% endfor %} diff --git a/src/static_src/css/font-awesome.min.css b/src/static_src/css/font-awesome.min.css new file mode 100644 index 00000000..540440ce --- /dev/null +++ b/src/static_src/css/font-awesome.min.css @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +/*! + * Font Awesome 4.7.0 by @davegandy - http://fontawesome.io - @fontawesome + * License - http://fontawesome.io/license (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) + */@font-face{font-family:'FontAwesome';src:url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=4.7.0');src:url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=4.7.0') format('embedded-opentype'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2?v=4.7.0') format('woff2'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff?v=4.7.0') format('woff'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf?v=4.7.0') format('truetype'),url('../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg?v=4.7.0#fontawesomeregular') 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0, 0, 0);border:0}.sr-only-focusable:active,.sr-only-focusable:focus{position:static;width:auto;height:auto;margin:0;overflow:visible;clip:auto} diff --git a/src/static_src/fonts/FontAwesome.otf b/src/static_src/fonts/FontAwesome.otf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..401ec0f3 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/static_src/fonts/FontAwesome.otf differ diff --git a/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot new file mode 100644 index 00000000..e9f60ca9 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot differ diff --git a/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg new file mode 100644 index 00000000..855c845e --- /dev/null +++ b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg @@ -0,0 +1,2671 @@ + + + + +Created by FontForge 20120731 at Mon Oct 24 17:37:40 2016 + By ,,, +Copyright Dave Gandy 2016. All rights reserved. + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + diff --git a/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..35acda2f Binary files /dev/null and b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.ttf differ diff --git a/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff new file mode 100644 index 00000000..400014a4 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff differ diff --git a/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 new file mode 100644 index 00000000..4d13fc60 Binary files /dev/null and b/src/static_src/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.woff2 differ diff --git a/src/templates/2016info.html b/src/templates/2016info.html deleted file mode 100644 index 5ce9a0d3..00000000 --- a/src/templates/2016info.html +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@ -{% extends 'base.html' %} -{% load static from staticfiles %} - -{% block title %} -Info | {{ block.super }} -{% endblock %} - -{% block extra_head %} - -{% endblock %} - -{% block content %} - - - - - -

When is BornHack happening?

- -

- Opening - - - -


- BornHack 2016 starts saturday, august 27th, at noon (12:00). - It will be possible to access the venue before noon if - for example you arrive early in the morning with the ferry. - But please don't expect everything to be ready before noon :) -

- -

- Closing - - - -


- BornHack 2016 ends saturday, september 3rd, at noon (12:00). - Rented village tents must be empty and cleaned at this time, - ready to take down. Participants must leave the site no later - than 17:00 on the closing day (or stay and help us clean up). -

- - - -

Where is BornHack going to take place?

- -

- The Venue - - - -


- Venue coordinates: 55.011520, 14.975360
- Parking space: Across from Bonaveddevejen 12, 3720 Aakirkeby
- Main entrance: Next to Bonaveddevejen 12, 3720 Aakirkeby
- Service entrance: Baunevej 11, 3720 Aakirkeby -

- - - -

Travel Information

- -

- Public Transportation - - - -


From/Via Copenhagen


- There are several ways to get to Bornholm from Copenhagen. - A domestic plane departs from Copenhagen Airport, and you - can get from Copenhagen Central station by either bus or - train via Ystad or the Køge-Rønne ferry connection. -

Plane (very fast, most expensive)
- You can check plane departures and book tickets at - dat.dk. There are - multiple departures daily. The flight takes approximately - 25 minutes. -
- -
Via Ystad (quick, cheap and easy, crosses Sweden border)
- You can drive over Øresundsbroen to Ystad or you can - take the train/bus from Copenhagen Central Station. You - can buy train and ferry ticket at - dsb.dk (Type - in "København H" and "Rønne Havn"). More information - about the - crossing. - The crossing takes 1 hour 20 minutes. In total about - 3 hours 15 minutes. Due to recent developments an ID - (passport, drivers license or similar) is required when - crossing the Denmark/Sweden border. -
- -
Via Køge (cheap, slow)
- Take the S-train to Køge Station (you need an "all zones" - ticket) or travel by car. The ferry terminal is within - walking distance from the station. You can check out - prices - here. - It takes approximately 1 hour to get to Køge. The crossing - takes 5 hours 30 minutes. -

From Sweden/Malmö


- To get to Bornholm from Malmö you may take a train from - Malmö to Ystad and the ferry from Ystad to Bornholm. -


- Skånetrafiken runs trains from Malmö C to Ystad every - 30 minutes. Trains leave at 08 and 38 minutes past the hour. - Go to skanetrafiken - for details. -


- The ferry from Ystad to Rønne leaves four times per day. - Morning: 08:30-09:50 - Noon: 12:30-13:50 - Afternoon: 16:30-17:50 - Evening: 20:30-21:50 - - Booking the ferry tickets prior to departure can - drastically reduce the price. - - See "Getting from Rønne to the Venue" final step. -


From Abroad


If you are going to BornHack from abroad you have different options as well.

Berlin (Germany)
- There are no public transport routes from Berlin to Mukran, Sassnitz - ferry terminal on Saturdays, including Aug 27 and Sept 03 the - Bornhack start/end dates. Your best bet is to get a train to - Dubnitz, Sassnitz station. Unfortunately it is still 1.7km to the actual ferry terminal: - - map of route. There is a bus, - but it only goes once a weekday at 12:28 and not at all on Weekends. You can of course take a - taxi. - Search for routes Berlin ‐ Dubnitz on - bahn.de. - At the time of writing, the best route is:
- 08:45 Berlin Hbf → train with 2 changes, 50€ for a 2-way return ticket.
- 12:52 Sassnitz → taxi, ~14€, 10 min.
- 13:00 Mukran-Sassnitz ferry terminal
- If you want to try your luck at a direct route to the ferry terminal, - search for routes Berlin ‐ Sassnitz-Mukran Fährhafen on - bahn.de - or for routes Berlin ‐ Fährhafen Sassnitz on - checkmybus.com.
Sassnitz (Germany)
- There is a - direct ferry - taking cars going from - Sassnitz ferry terminal - which is 4km away from Sassnitz itself. The company is called - BornholmerFærgen and the tickets cost 32€ (outgoing) and 25€ - (return). It can also be booked from - aferry.co.uk. - The ferry departs for Bornholm on Aug 27 at 11:50, 13:30, and - returns to Sassnitz on Sept 03 at 08:00, 09:00. Detailed timetable: - English, - Danish. -
- -
Kolobrzeg (Poland)
- There is a passenger ferry from Kolobrzeg to Nexø havn. -

Getting from Rønne to the Venue


- The venue is 24km from Rønne. We will have a shuttle bus - that will pick people up and take them to the venue. It is - also possible to take a public bus to near the venue. Local - taxis can also get you here. The company operating on Bornholm - is called Dantaxi and the local phonenumber is +4556952301. -

- -

- Bus to and from BornHack - - - -


- PROSA, the union of IT-professionals in Denmark, has set up - a great deal for BornHack attendees travelling from Copenhagen - to BornHack. For only 125kr, about 17 euros, you can be - transported to the camp on opening day, and back to Copenhagen - at the end of the camp! -

- -

-We encourage our attendees to make use of this offer! -

- -

- Buy a ticket to the PROSA bus! -

- -

- The bus has the following schedule (local Danish CEST time (UTC+2)): -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Copenhagen - BornHack -
- - Departure - - - 27th of August at 10:00 -
- - Arrival - - - 27th of August at around 15:00 -
- BornHack - Copenhagen -
- - Departure - - - 3rd of September at 17:00 -
- - Arrival - - - 3rd of September at around 22:00 -
- -

- PROSA might contact you with details regarding the bus, but nothing more! -

- -

- Driving and Parking - - - -


- A car is very convenient when bringing lots of equipment, and - we know that hackers like to bring all the things. We welcome - cars and vans at BornHack. We have ample parking space very - close (less than 50 meters) to the main entrance. -


- Please note that sleeping in the parking lot is not permitted. - If you want to sleep in your car/RV/autocamper/caravan please - contact us, and we will work something out. -

- - - -

Where do I sleep?

- -

- Camping - - - -


- BornHack is first and foremost a tent camp. You need to - bring a tent to sleep in. Most people go with some friends - and make a camp somewhere at the venue. See also the section - on Villages - you might be able to find some likeminded - people to camp with. -

- -

- Cabins - - - -


- We rent out a few cabins at the venue with 8 beds each - for people who don't want to sleep in tents for some - reason. A tent is the cheapest sleeping option (you just need - a ticket), but the cabins - are there if you want them. -

- - - -

Venue Map

- -

- The Map - - - -


- Medium (4.7Mb) - Large (19.3Mb) - Original (44.8Mb) -


- The map is divided into a 10x10meter grid which has been given - coordinates. We have outlined the important areas of BornHack - on the map. -

  • - The dark blue square in the botton from 37K to 37M is - the main entrance. Just opposite from this (not shown on - map) is the parking lot. -
  • -
  • - The red areas in the edges of the map are off limits - and not part of BornHack. -
  • -
  • - The light blue square from B11 to F15 is the Family Area. - Read more about the camping areas in the - Camping Areas section. -
  • -
  • - The orange area in the top right corner from R4 to S7 - is the Quiet Area. Read more about the camping areas - in the Camping Areas - section. -
  • -
  • - Everything from the tree line at 27 going south all - the way to the entrance is the Nature Area. Read more - about the camping areas in the - Camping Areas section. -
  • -
  • - The purple area in the middle of the map from K19 to - N21 is the bar. -
  • -
  • - The yellow square next to the bar from M14 to S23 is - the noisy area. Read more about the camping areas in - the Camping Areas - section. Please direct the noise east! -
  • -
  • - The house at K10 to L10 is where the workshop rooms can - be found. It is also where the shop is located. -
  • -
  • - The brown square in M9 is the toilet and shower building. -
  • -
  • - The green squares from C7 to I10 and from K11 to M12 - mark the Food Area and related seating. -
  • -
  • - The orange square at K4 to L4 is the speakers tent. -
  • -

- - - -

Camping Areas

- -

- Quiet Area - - - -


- The oblong area in the eastside of the venue from Q4 to S10 - is the Quiet Area. Noise will not be tolerated here. If - getting an uninterrupted nights sleep is important to you, - you should consider pitching your tent here. -

- -

- Family Area - - - -


- We want BornHack to be an event for hackers of all ages! - The Family Area is the lightblue area at B11 to F15 on the map. - The area has ample camping space and is equipped with a sand - box, a fireplace, and lots of grass to play around in. If you - intend to camp here please bring (and share) any outdoor games - you might have. -

- -

- Nature Area - - - -


- The area reaching from 27 and down to the entrance around 36 - is the Nature Area. We have not cut the grass in this area, - there are no roads, infrastructure or wifi. Just wild Danish - shrubland habitat, or "hede" in Danish. Pitch your tent here - if you want to feel closer to the beautiful nature that - surrounds BornHack. -

- -

- The Noisy Area - - - -


- Surrounding the bar area is the noisy area. This is where - you should place your tent / camp / village if you expect to - make a lot of noise. The noisy area forms square from top - left M14 to bottom right S23 on the map. -

- - - -

The Bar

- -

- The Bar - - - -


- The bar area is the place to go when you are all hacked out and want - to socialize with the other participants. Enjoy a cold beer or drink - and some music, and discuss your projects with the people around you. -


- The bar will be run with an open budget and flexible prices. - More on that later. -


- Opening hours of the bar have not been decided yet. Expect it - to open late and close late. Opening hours will be compatible - with the average hackers drink/sleep cycle. -

- - - -


- -

- What is a Village? - - - -


If this is your first hackercamp the term 'Village' might - be confusing but it is fairly simple: a village is just a - spot on the campsite where you and a bunch of your - friends/likeminded people camp together. Apart from - peoples individual tents which they sleep in, many - villages bring a large common tent where you can hack - and hang out during the day. -

- -

- Renting Village Tents - - - -


- Villages can also rent village tents via us, head over to - the - villages section of the shop. The tents will be ready - when you arrive and will be taken down again saturday the - 3rd of September from 12:00. The tents have optional floors - and you can rent folding tables and chairs as needed. You do - not have to register a village or have a concept to rent a big - tent. -

- -

- Registering a Village - - - -


You can register your village here! - If you don't want to make your own village you might be able to - find and join one that suits your interests. Get in touch with the - villages team if you have - any questions! -

- - - -

Showers and Toilets

- -

- Showers - - - -


- BornHack has nice shower facilities. We have about 1 private - shower booth per 10 participants. The showers will be cleaned - twice daily and should be more than sufficient for our needs. - The showers not divided into genders (unisex) since they are - individually lockable. The showers are permanent installations, - inside a real brick house - they are not temporary showers put - up for the event. -

- -

- Toilets - - - -


- BornHack has around 1 toilet per 10 participants. The toilets - are unisex like the showers. The toilets will also be cleaned - twice per day, so they should be nice. Like the showers, the - toilets are also permanent installations inside a brick house. - A year may come when we have to use porta potties at BornHack, - but it is not this year! -

- -

- Pissoirs - - - -


- The bar area and a couple of other places will be equipped - with a few pissoirs. We realize that pissoirs are only - helpful for people with a certain genital layout, but we - prefer to think they help everyone (by "taking the load" off - of the regular toilets). -

- - - -

Food, Drink and Groceries

- -

- Food Vendors - - - -


- We are lucky enough to have a local food vendor (from the town - Nexø) at the venue. He sells high quality sausages and burgers, - Danish style. He also sells vegan sausages and vegan burgers. -

- -
- -

- Cooking - - - -


- We know that hackers like to cook for themselves, not just - because of vegetarians/vegan diets. Everyone is encouraged - to cook their own food, either in their own village kitchen - or in the food area. Please note that coal powered barbeques - are strictly forbidden on the camp grounds for fire - safety reasons. If you want to cook with coal use the big - barbeque in the food area! Gas and electrical barbeques are - allowed in villages, as are gas burners and cooking plates / hotplates. -

- -
- -

- The Outdoor Kitchen - - - -


- Part of the food area is a large outdoor kitchen area - where participants are invited to cook their meals. The - Outdoor Kitchen features: -

  • Lots of seating. Both covered by roof and in the open.
  • -
  • Running water and tables for food preparation. You must bring your own dishes and other cooking/eating equipment.
  • -
  • Ample barbeque capacity, including a barbeque exclusive to vegans/vegetarians. We sell charcoal in the kiosk.
  • -
- Villages without a kitchen of their own are invited to utilize - this area for cooking. Please clean up after yourselves! :) -

- -

- Buying Groceries - - - -


- Before you can cook anything you need some groceries to cook. - The closest place to buy groceries is a small place - approximately 3.5 km away at Pedersker. About 7 km from - the venue there is a larger selection at Aakirkeby. About 20km - from the venue at Nexø there is an even larger selection still. - We have a shuttle bus that will transport participants to and - from grocery shopping, free of charge. -

- -
- -

- Vegans and Vegetarians - - - -


- Vegans and vegetarians are welcome at BornHack. Our food vendor - sells vegan sausages and burgers. You can also cook your own - food in the food area, where we have a large (1 meter diameter) - barbeque reserved for vegan and vegetarian food. -

- -
- -

- The Shop/Kiosk - - - -


- We have a small selection of kiosk items available at the bar. Please enquire for available selection and requests. -


- The infodesk has a small selection of non-consumable items. - We drive around buying small items during the week, so it is - possible to ask for specific items. We don't guarantee - availability though. -


- Coffee is available at different places around the camp for - a small fee. Please contact an organiser if the kettles are - empty and we will brew some new. - Please remember to pay for the coffee as it is otherwise direct expenses for BornHack. -

- -
- -

- Breakfeast/Bakery - - - -


- We have an agreement with a local quality bakery which will - deliver a selection of fresh bread every morning. - Please place your order and pay at the infodesk before 19:30 to - get the bread delivered next morning at around 8:00. Check out - the selection at http://kringlexpressen.dk/bager/asa-bageren. -

- -
- -

- The Farmer Next Door - - - -


- BornHack has an agreement with a local farmer who can deliver - fresh organic potatoes, eggs and chickens. Orders can be - placed in the shop. More on prices and selections later. -

- - - -

Power and Connectivity

- -

- Power - - - -


- We are working on sorting out the details. Plugs will be standard - European 230V supply with type K plugs. - Standard red 400V 16A CEE plugs will also be possible. -

- -

- Internet Connection and Uplink - - - -


- BornHack will have a 1Gbit fiber uplink to the outside - world generously sponsored by BornFiber. We have plenty - of IP space to go around, courtesy of RIPE NCC temporary assignment. -

- -

- Networks: Wired and Wireless - - - -


- BornHack will have both wired and wireless networks. The default - networks will run with public internet addresses (v4 and v6) - so you must protect yourself with a firewall at all times. -


- The wired network will provide DHCP but also allow manually - configured IP addresses, using peg DHCP according to Management - of IP numbers by peg-dhcp RFC 2322. If you want to set up servers - we recommend to do so with static IP's. You can also use - static configuration on clients to avoid attacks involving - rogue DHCP servers and similar. -

- -

- Wireless Network - - - -


- There will be multiple wireless networks, using standard - IEE 802.11 5GHz and 2.4GHz. -


- We will also provide a wireless network which is put behind NAT, - which is similar to usual guest networks. NOTE: NAT IS NOT SECURITY, - use caution always - turn the firewall on. -


- One SSID will also be configure to use WPA Enterprise with 802.1x - aka EAP-TLS - where any credentials - can be used. There is no user management, we just use - EAP-TLS to get the encryption it provides for individual users. -

- - - -

The Shuttlebus

- -

- Opening Day - - - -


- The BornHack shuttle bus will be available for transporting - participants from Rønne to the venue on the opening day. The - shuttle bus holds 8 passengers and luggage. To let us know you - need transportation call the BornHack phone at +4531550497. - Please call as soon as you know when you need a pickup so the - drivers can coordinate effectively. -

- -
- -

- Grocery Shopping - - - -


- During the event the shuttlebus will be taking participants - to and from grocery shopping. To book a ride on the bus go to - the infodesk. The drivers are flexible so if you prefer a - specific grocery shop just let the driver know. -


- The shuttlebus can't wait outside for hours while participants - are shopping. You either pick up your groceries in max. 20 - minutes, or you arrange a return pickup time with the shuttlebus. -

- -
- -

- Closing Day - - - -


- On closing day the shuttle bus is available to transport - participants back to Rønne so they can get home. You need - to book a ride in the infodesk. Please be realistic when - planning your trip home. Don't expect to depart BornHack 30 - minutes before your ferry leaves. Leave some room for delays. -

- - - -


- -

- Bicycles - - - -


- At BornHack we have bicycles available to borrow for free. - They come with helmets, locks and lights. Noone should spend a - week on Bornholm without seeing a bit more of the island. If you - want to go sightseeing, grocery shopping, or just feel like - riding a bicycle, you should take advantage of this offer. -

- -
- -

- Bicycle Booking - - - -


- To book one or more of the bicycles go to the infodesk and - make a reservation. It is free. -

- - - -

Infodesk and CERT

- -

- Infodesk - - - -


- The infodesk is where you go to find an organizer when you - have questions of any kind. The infodesk is also where you - go to: -

  • Book a ride on the shuttle bus
  • -
  • Book one (or more) of the ten available BornHack bicycles
  • -
  • Get any merchandise you bought
  • -


- The infodesk is located around M15 on the map (right - outside the food area in the direction towards the bar). -

- -
- -

- CERT - - - -


- CERT is short for Community Emergency Response Team. - In case of a dangerous situation (accidents, fire and so on) - these are the people to contact. -


- While the infodesk is open (from 10:00 to 20:00 every day) - the CERT people can be reached here. Outside infodesk - opening hours CERT can be reached at the official BornHack - phonenumber which is +4531550497. This number is open 24 - hours. -

- - - -


- -

- The BornHack 2016 Badge - - - -


- All participants at BornHack 2016 will receive an electronic - name badge. The badge was designed by Thomas Flummer from - Copenhagen makerspace Labitat, and is sponsored by TykTech. -


- You can see a picture of the kit here - and the assembled badge here. - We also caught a picture of an - assembled badge by night, and we have a - rendering of the lanyards that come with the name badges. -


- Assembling the bagde is easy and takes around 15-30 minutes, - depending on your soldering experience. We have a bunch of - soldering irons available you can borrow in case you are - not bringing your own. -

- -
- -

- Badge Hacking Contest - - - -


- The badge has a large prototyping area to hack around with, - both through-hole and surface-mount. During BornHack we are - excited to see what kind of badge modifications our participants - come up with. At the end of the week we will pick the three winners - of this years badge hacking contest. The winners will receive - fabulous prices and eternal fame! -

- -
- -

- Badge Instructions - - - -


- We have collected the instructions for building the badge on - Github. - You can read much more about the badge there, including a - section where you can share your own hacks. -

- - - -{% endblock %} diff --git a/src/templates/base.html b/src/templates/base.html index 53f00488..dcc238dc 100644 --- a/src/templates/base.html +++ b/src/templates/base.html @@ -15,6 +15,9 @@ + + +