import logging import irc3 from django.conf import settings logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) def do_work(): """ Run irc3 module code, wait for events on IRC and wait for messages in OutgoingIrcMessage """ if hasattr(settings, "IRCBOT_CHANNELS"): logger.error( "settings.IRCBOT_CHANNELS is deprecated. Please define settings.IRCBOT_PUBLIC_CHANNEL and use team channels for the rest." ) return False config = { "nick": settings.IRCBOT_NICK, "autojoins": [], "host": settings.IRCBOT_SERVER_HOSTNAME, "port": settings.IRCBOT_SERVER_PORT, "ssl": settings.IRCBOT_SERVER_USETLS, "timeout": 30, "flood_burst": 2, "flood_rate": 1, "flood_rate_delay": 2, "includes": ["ircbot.irc3module"], } logger.debug("Connecting to IRC with the following config: %s" % config) try: irc3.IrcBot(**config).run(forever=True) except Exception as E: logger.exception("Got exception inside") raise E