import logging from django import forms from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured from .models import Event, EventProposal, EventTrack, SpeakerProposal logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) class SpeakerProposalForm(forms.ModelForm): """ The SpeakerProposalForm. Takes a list of EventTypes in __init__, and changes fields accordingly if the list has 1 element. """ class Meta: model = SpeakerProposal fields = [ "name", "email", "biography", "needs_oneday_ticket", "submission_notes", "event_conflicts", ] def __init__(self, camp, event_type=None, matrix={}, *args, **kwargs): """ initialise the form and adapt based on event_type """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # only show events from this camp self.fields["event_conflicts"].queryset = Event.objects.filter( track__camp=camp, event_type__support_speaker_event_conflicts=True, ) if matrix: # add speaker availability fields for date in matrix.keys(): # do we need a column for this day? if matrix[date]: # loop over the daychunks for this day for daychunk in matrix[date]: if matrix[date][daychunk]: # add the field self.fields[ matrix[date][daychunk]["fieldname"] ] = forms.BooleanField(required=False) # add it to Meta.fields too self.Meta.fields.append(matrix[date][daychunk]["fieldname"]) # adapt form based on EventType? if not event_type: # we have no event_type to customize the form, use the default form return if == "Debate": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Guest Name" self.fields[ "name" ].help_text = "The name of a debate guest. Can be a real name or an alias." # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Guest Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for this guest. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Guest Biography" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The biography of the guest." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Guest Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this guest. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no free tickets for debates del self.fields["needs_oneday_ticket"] elif == "Lightning Talk": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Speaker Name" self.fields[ "name" ].help_text = "The name of the speaker. Can be a real name or an alias." # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Speaker Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for this speaker. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Speaker Biography" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The biography of the speaker." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Speaker Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this speaker. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no free tickets for lightning talks del self.fields["needs_oneday_ticket"] elif == "Music Act": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Artist Name" self.fields[ "name" ].help_text = "The name of the artist. Can be a real name or artist alias." # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Artist Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for this artist. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Artist Description" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The description of the artist." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Artist Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this artist. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no oneday tickets for music acts del self.fields["needs_oneday_ticket"] elif == "Talk" or == "Keynote": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Speaker Name" self.fields[ "name" ].help_text = "The name of the speaker. Can be a real name or an alias." # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Speaker Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for this speaker. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Speaker Biography" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The biography of the speaker." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Speaker Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this speaker. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." elif == "Workshop": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Host Name" self.fields[ "name" ].help_text = ( "The name of the workshop host. Can be a real name or an alias." ) # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Host Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for the host. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Host Biography" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The biography of the host." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Host Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this host. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no free tickets for workshops del self.fields["needs_oneday_ticket"] elif == "Recreational Event": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Host Name" self.fields["name"].help_text = "Can be a real name or an alias." # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Host Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for the host. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Host Biography" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The biography of the host." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Host Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this host. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no free tickets for recreational events del self.fields["needs_oneday_ticket"] elif == "Meetup": # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields["name"].label = "Host Name" self.fields[ "name" ].help_text = "The name of the meetup host. Can be a real name or an alias." # fix label and help_text for the email field self.fields["email"].label = "Host Email" self.fields[ "email" ].help_text = "The email for the host. Will default to the logged-in users email if left empty." # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields["biography"].label = "Host Biography" self.fields["biography"].help_text = "The biography of the host." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Host Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this host. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no free tickets for meetups del self.fields["needs_oneday_ticket"] else: raise ImproperlyConfigured( f"Unsupported event type '{}', don't know which form class to use" ) class EventProposalForm(forms.ModelForm): """ The EventProposalForm. Takes an EventType in __init__ and changes fields accordingly. """ slides_url = forms.URLField( label="Slides URL", help_text="Add a URL to your slides.", required=False ) class Meta: model = EventProposal fields = [ "title", "abstract", "allow_video_recording", "duration", "tags", "slides_url", "submission_notes", "track", "use_provided_speaker_laptop", ] def clean_duration(self): """Make sure duration has been specified, and make sure it is not too long""" if not self.cleaned_data["duration"]: raise forms.ValidationError("Please specify a duration.") if ( self.event_type.event_duration_minutes and self.cleaned_data["duration"] > self.event_type.event_duration_minutes ): raise forms.ValidationError( f"Please keep duration under {self.event_type.event_duration_minutes} minutes." ) return self.cleaned_data["duration"] def clean_track(self): track = self.cleaned_data["track"] # TODO: make sure the track is part of the current camp, needs camp as form kwarg to verify return track def __init__(self, camp, event_type=None, matrix=None, *args, **kwargs): # initialise form super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # we need event_type for cleaning later self.event_type = event_type TALK = "Talk" LIGHTNING_TALK = "Lightning Talk" DEBATE = "Debate" MUSIC_ACT = "Music Act" RECREATIONAL_EVENT = "Recreational Event" WORKSHOP = "Workshop" MEETUP = "Meetup" # disable the empty_label for the track select box self.fields["track"].empty_label = None self.fields["track"].queryset = EventTrack.objects.filter(camp=camp) # make sure video_recording checkbox defaults to checked self.fields["allow_video_recording"].initial = True if not in [TALK, LIGHTNING_TALK]: # Only talk or lightning talk should show the slides_url field del self.fields["slides_url"] # better placeholder text for duration field self.fields["duration"].label = f"{} Duration" if event_type.event_duration_minutes: self.fields[ "duration" ].help_text = f"Please enter the duration of this {} (in minutes, max {event_type.event_duration_minutes})" self.fields["duration"].widget.attrs[ "placeholder" ] = f"{} Duration (in minutes, max {event_type.event_duration_minutes})" else: self.fields[ "duration" ].help_text = ( f"Please enter the duration of this {} (in minutes)" ) self.fields["duration"].widget.attrs[ "placeholder" ] = f"{} Duration (in minutes)" if not == LIGHTNING_TALK: # Only lightning talks submissions will have to choose whether to use provided speaker laptop del self.fields["use_provided_speaker_laptop"] if == DEBATE: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Title of debate" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this debate" # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Description" self.fields["abstract"].help_text = "The description of this debate" # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Debate Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this debate. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." elif == MUSIC_ACT: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Title of music act" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this music act/concert/set." # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Description" self.fields["abstract"].help_text = "The description of this music act" # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Music Act Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this music act. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no video recording for music acts del self.fields["allow_video_recording"] elif == RECREATIONAL_EVENT: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Event Title" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this recreational event" # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Event Abstract" self.fields[ "abstract" ].help_text = "The description/abstract of this recreational event." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Event Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this recreational event. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # no video recording for music acts del self.fields["allow_video_recording"] elif in [TALK, LIGHTNING_TALK]: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Title of Talk" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this talk/presentation." # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Abstract of Talk" self.fields[ "abstract" ].help_text = "The description/abstract of this talk/presentation. Explain what the audience will experience." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Talk Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this talk. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." if self.fields.get("slides_url") and == LIGHTNING_TALK: self.fields[ "slides_url" ].help_text += " You will only get assigned a slot if you have provided slides (a title slide is enough if you don't use slides for the talk). You can add an URL later if need be." # no duration for talks del self.fields["duration"] elif == WORKSHOP: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Workshop Title" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this workshop." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Workshop Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this workshop. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Workshop Abstract" self.fields[ "abstract" ].help_text = "The description/abstract of this workshop. Explain what the participants will learn." # no video recording for workshops del self.fields["allow_video_recording"] elif == RECREATIONAL_EVENT: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Event Title" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this recreational event." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Event Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this recreational event. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Event Abstract" self.fields[ "abstract" ].help_text = "The description/abstract of this event. Explain what the participants will experience." # no video recording for recreational events del self.fields["allow_video_recording"] elif == MEETUP: # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields["title"].label = "Meetup Title" self.fields["title"].help_text = "The title of this meetup." # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields["submission_notes"].label = "Meetup Notes" self.fields[ "submission_notes" ].help_text = "Private notes regarding this meetup. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers." # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields["abstract"].label = "Meetup Abstract" self.fields[ "abstract" ].help_text = "The description/abstract of this meetup. Explain what the meetup is about and who should attend." # no video recording for meetups del self.fields["allow_video_recording"] else: raise ImproperlyConfigured( "Unsupported event type, don't know which form class to use" )