module Models exposing (..) -- Core modules import Date exposing (Date, now) -- External modules import Navigation exposing (Location) type alias EventSlug = String type alias EventInstanceSlug = String type alias SpeakerSlug = String type alias DaySlug = String type alias FilterQuery = String -- Route is defined here rather than in Routing.elm due to it being used in Model. If it were in Routing.elm we would have a circular dependency. type Route = OverviewRoute | OverviewFilteredRoute FilterQuery | DayRoute DaySlug | EventRoute EventSlug | SpeakerRoute SpeakerSlug | NotFoundRoute type alias Model = { days : List Day , events : List Event , eventInstances : List EventInstance , eventLocations : List FilterType , eventTypes : List FilterType , speakers : List Speaker , flags : Flags , filter : Filter , location : Location , route : Route , dataLoaded : Bool } type alias Day = { day_name : String , date : Date , repr : String } type alias Speaker = { name : String , slug : SpeakerSlug , biography : String , largePictureUrl : Maybe String , smallPictureUrl : Maybe String } type alias EventInstance = { title : String , slug : EventInstanceSlug , id : Int , url : String , eventSlug : EventSlug , eventType : String , backgroundColor : String , forgroundColor : String , from : Date , to : Date , timeslots : Float , location : String , locationIcon : String , videoState : String , videoUrl : Maybe String , isFavorited : Maybe Bool } type alias Event = { title : String , slug : EventSlug , abstract : String , speakerSlugs : List SpeakerSlug , videoState : String , videoUrl : Maybe String , eventType : String } type alias Flags = { schedule_timeslot_length_minutes : Int , schedule_midnight_offset_hours : Int , ics_button_href : String , camp_slug : String , websocket_server : String } -- FILTERS type alias FilterName = String type alias FilterSlug = String type alias LocationIcon = String type alias TypeColor = String type alias TypeLightText = Bool type FilterType = TypeFilter FilterName FilterSlug TypeColor TypeLightText | LocationFilter FilterName FilterSlug LocationIcon | VideoFilter FilterName FilterSlug type alias Filter = { eventTypes : List FilterType , eventLocations : List FilterType , videoRecording : List FilterType } unpackFilterType filter = case filter of TypeFilter name slug _ _ -> ( name, slug ) LocationFilter name slug _ -> ( name, slug ) VideoFilter name slug -> ( name, slug ) getSlugFromFilterType filter = let ( _, slug ) = unpackFilterType filter in slug getNameFromFilterType filter = let ( name, slug ) = unpackFilterType filter in name