import datetime from django.db import models from utils.models import UUIDModel, CreatedUpdatedModel from program.models import EventType, EventLocation from django.contrib.postgres.fields import DateTimeRangeField from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeTZRange from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from datetime import timedelta from django.utils import timezone class Camp(CreatedUpdatedModel, UUIDModel): class Meta: verbose_name = 'Camp' verbose_name_plural = 'Camps' title = models.CharField( verbose_name='Title', help_text='Title of the camp, ie. Bornhack 2016.', max_length=255, ) tagline = models.CharField( verbose_name='Tagline', help_text='Tagline of the camp, ie. "Initial Commit"', max_length=255, ) slug = models.SlugField( verbose_name='Url Slug', help_text='The url slug to use for this camp' ) buildup = DateTimeRangeField( verbose_name='Buildup Period', help_text='The camp buildup period.', ) camp = DateTimeRangeField( verbose_name='Camp Period', help_text='The camp period.', ) teardown = DateTimeRangeField( verbose_name='Teardown period', help_text='The camp teardown period.', ) def clean(self): ''' Make sure the dates make sense - meaning no overlaps and buildup before camp before teardown ''' errors = [] # check for overlaps buildup vs. camp if self.buildup.upper > msg = "End of buildup must not be after camp start" errors.append(ValidationError({'buildup', msg})) errors.append(ValidationError({'camp', msg})) # check for overlaps camp vs. teardown if > self.teardown.lower: msg = "End of camp must not be after teardown start" errors.append(ValidationError({'camp', msg})) errors.append(ValidationError({'teardown', msg})) if errors: raise ValidationError(errors) def __str__(self): return "%s - %s" % (self.title, self.tagline) @property def event_types(self): # return all event types with at least one event in this camp return EventType.objects.filter(event__instances__isnull=False, event__camp=self).distinct() @property def event_locations(self): ''' Return all event locations with at least one event in this camp''' return EventLocation.objects.filter(eventinstances__isnull=False, camp=self).distinct() @property def logo_small(self): return 'img/%(slug)s/logo/%(slug)s-logo-small.png' % {'slug': self.slug} @property def logo_large(self): return 'img/%(slug)s/logo/%(slug)s-logo-large.png' % {'slug': self.slug} def get_days(self, camppart): ''' Returns a list of DateTimeTZRanges representing the days during the specified part of the camp. ''' if not hasattr(self, camppart): print("nonexistant field/attribute") return False field = getattr(self, camppart) if not hasattr(field, '__class__') or not hasattr(field.__class__, '__name__') or not field.__class__.__name__ == 'DateTimeTZRange': print("this attribute is not a datetimetzrange field: %s" % field) return False daycount = (field.upper - field.lower).days days = [] for i in range(0, daycount): if i == 0: # on the first day use actual start time instead of midnight days.append( DateTimeTZRange( field.lower, (field.lower+timedelta(days=i+1)).replace(hour=0) ) ) elif i == daycount-1: # on the last day use actual end time instead of midnight days.append( DateTimeTZRange( (field.lower+timedelta(days=i)).replace(hour=0), field.lower+timedelta(days=i+1) ) ) else: # neither first nor last day, goes from midnight to midnight days.append( DateTimeTZRange( (field.lower+timedelta(days=i)).replace(hour=0), (field.lower+timedelta(days=i+1)).replace(hour=0) ) ) return days @property def buildup_days(self): ''' Returns a list of DateTimeTZRanges representing the days during the buildup. ''' return self.get_days('buildup') @property def camp_days(self): ''' Returns a list of DateTimeTZRanges representing the days during the camp. ''' return self.get_days('camp') @property def teardown_days(self): ''' Returns a list of DateTimeTZRanges representing the days during the buildup. ''' return self.get_days('teardown') @property def call_for_speakers_open(self): if < return False else: return True @property def call_for_sponsors_open(self): """ Keep call for sponsors open 30 days after camp end """ if + timedelta(days=30) < return False else: return True