from django import forms from betterforms.multiform import MultiModelForm from collections import OrderedDict from .models import SpeakerProposal, EventProposal, EventTrack from django.forms.widgets import TextInput from django.utils.dateparse import parse_duration import logging logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) class BaseSpeakerProposalForm(forms.ModelForm): """ The BaseSpeakerProposalForm is not used directly. It is subclassed for each eventtype, where fields are removed or get new labels and help_text as needed """ class Meta: model = SpeakerProposal fields = ['name', 'biography', 'needs_oneday_ticket', 'submission_notes'] class BaseEventProposalForm(forms.ModelForm): """ The BaseEventProposalForm is not used directly. It is subclassed for each eventtype, where fields are removed or get new labels and help_text as needed """ class Meta: model = EventProposal fields = ['title', 'abstract', 'allow_video_recording', 'duration', 'submission_notes', 'track'] def clean_duration(self): duration = self.cleaned_data['duration'] if duration < 60 or duration > 180: raise forms.ValidationError("Please keep duration between 60 and 180 minutes.") return duration def clean_track(self): track = self.cleaned_data['track'] # TODO: make sure the track is part of the current camp, needs camp as form kwarg to verify return track def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # disable the empty_label for the track select box self.fields['track'].empty_label = None ################################ EventType "Talk" ################################################ class TalkEventProposalForm(BaseEventProposalForm): """ EventProposalForm with field names and help_text adapted to talk submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields['title'].label = 'Title of Talk' self.fields['title'].help_text = 'The title of this talk/presentation.' # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields['abstract'].label = 'Abstract of Talk' self.fields['abstract'].help_text = 'The description/abstract of this talk/presentation. Explain what the audience will experience.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Talk Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this talk. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # no duration for talks del(self.fields['duration']) class TalkSpeakerProposalForm(BaseSpeakerProposalForm): """ SpeakerProposalForm with field labels and help_text adapted for talk submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields['name'].label = 'Speaker Name' self.fields['name'].help_text = 'The name of the speaker. Can be a real name or an alias.' # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields['biography'].label = 'Speaker Biography' self.fields['biography'].help_text = 'The biography of the speaker.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Speaker Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this speaker. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' ################################ EventType "Lightning Talk" ################################################ class LightningTalkEventProposalForm(TalkEventProposalForm): """ LightningTalkEventProposalForm is identical to TalkEventProposalForm for now. Keeping the class here for easy customisation later. """ pass class LightningTalkSpeakerProposalForm(TalkSpeakerProposalForm): """ LightningTalkSpeakerProposalForm is identical to TalkSpeakerProposalForm except for no free tickets """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # no free tickets for lightning talks del(self.fields['needs_oneday_ticket']) ################################ EventType "Workshop" ################################################ class WorkshopEventProposalForm(BaseEventProposalForm): """ EventProposalForm with field names and help_text adapted for workshop submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields['title'].label = 'Workshop Title' self.fields['title'].help_text = 'The title of this workshop.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Workshop Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this workshop. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields['abstract'].label = 'Workshop Abstract' self.fields['abstract'].help_text = 'The description/abstract of this workshop. Explain what the participants will learn.' # no video recording for workshops del(self.fields['allow_video_recording']) # duration field self.fields['duration'].label = 'Workshop Duration' self.fields['duration'].help_text = 'How much time (in minutes) should we set aside for this workshop? Please keep it between 60 and 180 minutes (1-3 hours).' class WorkshopSpeakerProposalForm(BaseSpeakerProposalForm): """ SpeakerProposalForm with field labels and help_text adapted for workshop submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields['name'].label = 'Host Name' self.fields['name'].help_text = 'The name of the workshop host. Can be a real name or an alias.' # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields['biography'].label = 'Host Biography' self.fields['biography'].help_text = 'The biography of the host.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Host Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this host. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # no free tickets for workshops del(self.fields['needs_oneday_ticket']) ################################ EventType "Music" ################################################ class MusicEventProposalForm(BaseEventProposalForm): """ EventProposalForm with field names and help_text adapted to music submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields['title'].label = 'Title of music act' self.fields['title'].help_text = 'The title of this music act/concert/set.' # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields['abstract'].label = 'Description' self.fields['abstract'].help_text = 'The description of this music act' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Music Act Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this music act. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # no video recording for music acts del(self.fields['allow_video_recording']) # better placeholder text for duration field self.fields['duration'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = 'Duration (minutes)' class MusicSpeakerProposalForm(BaseSpeakerProposalForm): """ SpeakerProposalForm with field labels and help_text adapted for music submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields['name'].label = 'Artist Name' self.fields['name'].help_text = 'The name of the artist. Can be a real name or artist alias.' # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields['biography'].label = 'Artist Description' self.fields['biography'].help_text = 'The description of the artist.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Artist Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this artist. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # no oneday tickets for music acts del(self.fields['needs_oneday_ticket']) ################################ EventType "Slacking Off" ################################################ class SlackEventProposalForm(BaseEventProposalForm): """ EventProposalForm with field names and help_text adapted to slacking off submissions """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the title field self.fields['title'].label = 'Event Title' self.fields['title'].help_text = 'The title of this recreational event' # fix label and help_text for the abstract field self.fields['abstract'].label = 'Event Abstract' self.fields['abstract'].help_text = 'The description/abstract of this recreational event.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Event Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this recreational event. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # no video recording for music acts del(self.fields['allow_video_recording']) # better placeholder text for duration field self.fields['duration'].label = 'Event Duration' self.fields['duration'].widget.attrs['placeholder'] = 'Duration (minutes)' class SlackSpeakerProposalForm(BaseSpeakerProposalForm): """ SpeakerProposalForm with field labels and help_text adapted for recreational events """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # fix label and help_text for the name field self.fields['name'].label = 'Host Name' self.fields['name'].help_text = 'The name of the event host. Can be a real name or an alias.' # fix label and help_text for the biograpy field self.fields['biography'].label = 'Host Biography' self.fields['biography'].help_text = 'The biography of the host.' # fix label and help_text for the submission_notes field self.fields['submission_notes'].label = 'Host Notes' self.fields['submission_notes'].help_text = 'Private notes regarding this host. Only visible to yourself and the BornHack organisers.' # no oneday tickets for music acts del(self.fields['needs_oneday_ticket'])