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Code of Conduct

We are committed to making BornHack an inclusive and welcoming event for everyone. The most important rule is: Be excellent to eachother.

Sadly, technology events have a notorious reputation for harassment. We've set these ground rules to make it abundantly clear that this kind of behaviour is not acceptable, so that everyone can feel comfortable attending BornHack.

Everyone who visits BornHack is required to abide by this code of conduct, both at the event and on any online channels. We will not tolerate harassment of participants or discriminatory behaviour of any form. Specifically:

BornHack takes place in an area with beautiful nature all around. We expect everyone to treat the venue with the utmost care and respect. We will not tolerate any kind of vandalism against nature, this includes littering. We are guests in nature, and everyone is expected to act as such.

If you break these rules, we may expel you from the event without a refund, and we may ban you from future BornHack events.

If you are being harassed or witness a breach of this code of conduct, you can get in touch with us in the following ways:

If you have any comments or queries, you can get in touch with our conduct team at conduct@bornhack.org.

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