{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load commonmark %} {% load teams_tags %} {% load bootstrap3 %} {% block title %} Team: {{ team.name }} | {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ team.name }} Team

{{ team.description|unsafecommonmark }}

Currently {{ team.members.count }} people are members of this team{% if request.user in team.members.all %} (including you){% endif %}.

{% if request.user in team.members.all %}

Your team status: {% membershipstatus request.user team %}

{% endif %} {% if request.user in team.members.all %} Leave Team {% else %} {% if team.needs_members %} Join Team {% endif %} {% endif %}

{{ team.area.name }} Area:

This team is under the {{ team.area.name }} area. The following people are responsible for the {{ team.name }} team:

{% if request.user in team.responsible %}

Manage {{ team.name }} Team

{% csrf_token %} {% bootstrap_form form %}
{% buttons %} {% endbuttons %}

{% for membership in team.teammember_set.all %}
Profile Name Email Description Membership Status Action
{{ membership.user }} {{ membership.user.profile.name }} {{ membership.user.profile.email }} {{ membership.user.profile.description }} {% if membership.approved %}member{% else %}pending{% endif %} {% if membership.approved %} Remove {% else %} Remove Approve {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endblock %}