import logging from datetime import timedelta from time import sleep from camps.utils import get_current_camp from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.utils import timezone from ircbot.models import OutgoingIrcMessage from program.models import EventInstance logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) class Command(BaseCommand): args = "none" help = "Queue notifications for channels and users for upcoming event instances." def output(self, message): self.stdout.write( "%s: %s" % ("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), message) ) def handle(self, *args, **options): self.output("Schedule notification worker running...") while True: camp = get_current_camp() if camp: # a camp is currently going on, check if we need to send out any notifications for ei in EventInstance.objects.filter( event__camp=camp, event__event_type__notifications=True, notifications_sent=False, + timedelta( minutes=settings.SCHEDULE_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_MINUTES ), # start of event is less than X minutes away, # but event has not started yet ): # this event is less than settings.SCHEDULE_EVENT_NOTIFICATION_MINUTES minutes from starting, queue an IRC notificatio oim = OutgoingIrcMessage.objects.create( target=settings.IRCBOT_SCHEDULE_ANNOUNCE_CHANNEL, message="starting soon: %s" % ei, timeout=ei.when.lower, ) "added irc message id %s for eventinstance %s" % (, ei) ) ei.notifications_sent = True # check once per minute sleep(60)