import requests, json, time, hashlib, hmac class CoinifyAPI: api_key = None """Coinify API key. Get yours at""" api_secret = None """Coinify API secret. Get yours at""" api_base_url = None """Base URL to the Coinify API""" API_DEFAULT_BASE_URL = "" def __init__(self, api_key=None, api_secret=None, api_base_url=None): """ Create an instance of the CoinifyAPI class. Provide your API key and API secret. Set api_base_url to None to use default """ self.api_key = api_key self.api_secret = api_secret self.api_base_url = api_base_url or self.API_DEFAULT_BASE_URL def invoices_list(self, limit=None, offset=None, include_expired=None): """ Returns an array of your Coinify invoices See """ query_params = {} if limit is not None: query_params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: query_params['offset'] = offset if include_expired is not None: query_params['include_expired'] = include_expired return self.call_api_authenticated('/v3/invoices', query_params=query_params) def invoice_create(self, amount, currency, plugin_name, plugin_version, description=None, custom=None, callback_url=None, callback_email=None, return_url=None, cancel_url=None, input_currency=None, input_return_address=None): """ Create a new invoice. See """ params = { 'amount': amount, 'currency': currency, 'plugin_name': plugin_name, 'plugin_version': plugin_version } if description is not None: params['description'] = description if custom is not None: params['custom'] = custom if callback_url is not None: params['callback_url'] = callback_url if callback_email is not None: params['callback_email'] = callback_email if return_url is not None: params['return_url'] = return_url if cancel_url is not None: params['cancel_url'] = cancel_url if input_currency is not None: params['input_currency'] = input_currency if input_return_address is not None: params['input_return_address'] = input_return_address return self.call_api_authenticated('/v3/invoices', 'POST', params) def invoice_get(self, invoice_id): """ Get a specific invoice See """ path = '/v3/invoices/%d' % (invoice_id,) return self.call_api_authenticated(path) def invoice_update(self, invoice_id, description=None, custom=None): """ Update the description and custom data of an invoice See """ params = {} if description is not None: params['description'] = description if custom is not None: params['custom'] = custom path = '/v3/invoices/%d' % (invoice_id,) return self.call_api_authenticated(path, 'PUT', params) def invoice_input_create(self, invoice_id, currency, return_address): """ Request for an invoice to be paid with another input currency. See """ params = { 'currency': currency, 'return_address': return_address } path = '/v3/invoices/%d/inputs' % (invoice_id,) return self.call_api_authenticated(path, 'POST', params) def buy_orders_list(self, limit=None, offset=None, include_cancelled=None): """ Returns an array of your Coinify buy orders See """ query_params = {} if limit is not None: query_params['limit'] = limit if offset is not None: query_params['offset'] = offset if include_cancelled is not None: query_params['include_cancelled'] = include_cancelled return self.call_api_authenticated('/v3/buys', query_params=query_params) def buy_order_create(self, amount, currency, btc_address, instant_order=None, callback_url=None, callback_email=None): """ Create a new buy order See """ params = { 'amount': amount, 'currency': currency, 'btc_address': btc_address } if instant_order is not None: params['instant_order'] = instant_order if callback_url is not None: params['callback_url'] = callback_url if callback_email is not None: params['callback_email'] = callback_email return self.call_api_authenticated('/v3/buys', 'POST', params) def buy_order_confirm(self, buy_order_id): """ Confirm a buy order See """ path = '/v3/buys/%d/actions/confirm' % (buy_order_id,) return self.call_api_authenticated(path, 'PUT') def buy_order_get(self, buy_order_id): """ Get a specific buy order See """ path = '/v3/buys/%d' % (buy_order_id,) return self.call_api_authenticated(path) def rates_get(self, currency=None): """ Return buy and sell rates for all available currencies or for the specified currency. :param self: :param currency|None: A 3-char currency code :return: """ if currency is None: path = '/v3/rates' else: path = '/v3/rates/%s' % (currency,) return self.call_api_authenticated(path) def balance_get(self): """ Get the balance of a merchant :param path: :return: An array as described in . If success, then the 'data' value contains the balance in BTC and fiat currency and also the base currency of the merchant that requests it. """ path = '/v3/balance' return self.call_api_authenticated(path) def input_currencies_list(self): """ Receive a list of supported input currencies """ return self.call_api('/v3/input-currencies') def call_api_authenticated(self, path, method='GET', params={}, query_params={}): """ Perform an authenticated API call, using the API key and secret provided in the constructor. path: API path, WITH a leading slash, e.g. '/v3/invoices' params: dict with parameters to send with the API call Returns a dict as described in, or None if the HTTP call couldn't be performed correctly. """ extra_headers = { 'Authorization': self.generate_authorization_header() } return self.call_api(path, method, params, query_params, extra_headers) def call_api(self, path, method='GET', params={}, query_params={}, headers={}): """ Perform an API call path: API path, WITH a leading slash, e.g. '/v3/invoices' params: dict with parameters to send with the API call Returns a dict as described in, or None if the HTTP call couldn't be performed correctly. """ url = self.api_base_url + path headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' if self.api_key is not None: headers['Authorization'] = self.generate_authorization_header() r = requests.request(method, url, json=params, headers=headers, params=query_params) return r.json() def generate_authorization_header(self): """ Generate a nonce and a signature for an API call and wrap those in a HTTP header """ # Generate nonce, based on the current Unix timestamp nonce = str(int(time.time() * 1000000)) # Concatenate nonce and API key message = nonce + self.api_key # Compute signature signature =, msg=message, digestmod=hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() # Construct the header value header_value = 'Coinify apikey="%s", nonce="%s", signature="%s"' % (self.api_key, nonce, signature) return header_value