from django.views.generic import ListView, DetailView from django.utils import timezone from .models import * from django.shortcuts import redirect from .mixins import CampViewMixin from django.views import View from django.conf import settings class CampRedirectView(CampViewMixin, View): def dispatch(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # find the closest camp in the past prevcamp = Camp.objects.filter('-camp')[0] # find the closest upcoming camp nextcamp = Camp.objects.filter('camp')[0] # find the number of days between the two camps daysbetween = ( - # find the number of days since the last camp ended dayssinceprevcamp = ( - # find the percentage of time passed percentpassed = (dayssinceprevcamp / daysbetween) * 100 print(daysbetween, dayssinceprevcamp, percentpassed) # do the redirect if percentpassed > settings.CAMP_REDIRECT_PERCENT: return redirect(kwargs['page'], camp_slug=nextcamp.slug) else: return redirect(kwargs['page'], camp_slug=prevcamp.slug) class CampDetailView(DetailView): model = Camp slug_url_kwarg = 'camp_slug' def get_template_names(self): return '%s_camp_detail.html' % self.get_object().slug class CampListView(ListView): model = Camp template_name = 'camp_list.html'