module Views.DayPicker exposing (..) -- Local modules import Models exposing (..) import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) -- External modules import Html exposing (Html, text, a, div) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, classList, href, id) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Date.Extra as Date dayPicker : Model -> Html Msg dayPicker model = let isAllDaysActive = case model.activeDay of Just activeDay -> False Nothing -> True in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ id "schedule-days", class "btn-group" ] ([ a [ classList [ ( "btn", True ) , ( "btn-default", not isAllDaysActive ) , ( "btn-primary", isAllDaysActive ) ] , href ("#") ] [ text "All Days" ] ] ++ ( (\day -> dayButton day model.activeDay) model.days) ) ] dayButton : Day -> Maybe Day -> Html Msg dayButton day activeDay = let isActive = case activeDay of Just activeDay -> day == activeDay Nothing -> False in a [ classList [ ( "btn", True ) , ( "btn-default", not isActive ) , ( "btn-primary", isActive ) ] , href ("#day/" ++ (Date.toFormattedString "y-M-d" , onClick (MakeActiveday day) ] [ text day.day_name ]