{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% block title %} Call for Sponsors | {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

BornHack 2016 Sponsors

This is an alphabetical list of the BornHack 2016 sponsors. An event like BornHack can not be built on hard work and good intentions alone - it would simply not have been possible without the financial help from these organisations. Thank you, we are immensely grateful!

Bit Bureauet Logo Shuttle bus and bicycles

BornFiber Logo Internet uplink and bandwidth

BRK Logo IT equipment

CSIS Logo Cash sponsorship

Danske Bank Logo Speaker tent

DKUUG Logo Cash sponsorship

Fort Consult Logo Insurance

SAMDATA\HK Logo Legal expenses

Kristians Kaffe Logo Coffee equipment

Patientsky Logo Cash sponsorship

PROSA Logo Politician event

PROSA U35 Logo Bus transportation

Septima Logo Network cables

ShopGun Logo Fridges

tyktech logo Badges, wristbands

Zencurity Logo Fiber cables

ZyberSafe Logo Cash sponsorship

The Call for Sponsors is kept here for historic purposes.
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