{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load bornhack %} {% block title %} PosReport {{ posreport.date }} {{ posreport.pos.name }} | Pos | BackOffice | {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

PosReport {{ posreport.date }} {{ posreport.pos.name }} | Pos | BackOffice

{% if "camps.orgateam_permission" in perms %} Update {% endif %} {% if request.user == posreport.bank_responsible %} Bank Count Start Bank Count End {% endif %} {% if request.user == posreport.pos_responsible %} Pos Count Start Pos Count End {% endif %} Back to Pos

PosReport UUID {{ posreport.uuid }}
PosReport Date {{ posreport.date }}
Pos Name {{ posreport.pos.name }}
Team {{ posreport.pos.team }}

Bank Responsible {{ posreport.bank_responsible }}

Pos Responsible {{ posreport.pos_responsible }}

All OK? {{ posreport.allok | truefalseicon }}

DKK cash sales from iZettle {{ posreport.dkk_sales_izettle }} DKK
DKK balance
  {{ posreport.bank_count_dkk_start }} DKK Bank start count
- {{ posreport.dkk_sales_izettle }} DKK DKK cash income through iZettle
- {{ posreport.bank_count_dkk_end }} DKK Returned to the bank at day end
= {{ posreport.dkk_balance }} DKK Final balance.
Negative means the POS returned too many DKK, positive means the POS returned too few DKK.
Hax Sold from iZettle {{ posreport.hax_sold_izettle }} HAX
Hax Sold from website {{ posreport.hax_sold_website }} HAX
Hax Balance (we want 0 here)
  {{ posreport.bank_start_hax }} HAX Bank start
+ {{ posreport.pos_json_sales.1 }} HAX POS Sales
- {{ posreport.hax_sold_izettle }} HAX Sold from iZettle
- {{ posreport.hax_sold_website }} HAX Sold from webshop tickets
- {{ posreport.bank_end_hax }} HAX Returned to the bank at day end
= {{ posreport.hax_balance }} HAX Final balance.
Negative means the POS returned too many HAX, positive means the POS returned too few HAX.
Comments {{ posreport.comments }}
What Bank Start Pos Start Start OK? Pos End Bank End End OK?
DKK {{ posreport.bank_count_dkk_start }} {{ posreport.pos_count_dkk_start }} {{ posreport.dkk_start_ok | truefalseicon }} {{ posreport.pos_count_dkk_end }} {{ posreport.bank_count_dkk_end }} {{ posreport.dkk_end_ok | truefalseicon }}
5 HAX {{ posreport.bank_count_hax5_start }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax5_start }} {{ posreport.hax5_start_ok | truefalseicon }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax5_end }} {{ posreport.bank_count_hax5_end }} {{ posreport.hax5_end_ok | truefalseicon }}
10 HAX {{ posreport.bank_count_hax10_start }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax10_start }} {{ posreport.hax10_start_ok | truefalseicon }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax10_end }} {{ posreport.bank_count_hax10_end }} {{ posreport.hax10_end_ok | truefalseicon }}
20 HAX {{ posreport.bank_count_hax20_start }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax20_start }} {{ posreport.hax20_start_ok | truefalseicon }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax20_end }} {{ posreport.bank_count_hax20_end }} {{ posreport.hax20_end_ok | truefalseicon }}
50 HAX {{ posreport.bank_count_hax50_start }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax50_start }} {{ posreport.hax50_start_ok | truefalseicon }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax50_end }} {{ posreport.bank_count_hax50_end }} {{ posreport.hax50_end_ok | truefalseicon }}
100 HAX {{ posreport.bank_count_hax100_start }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax100_start }} {{ posreport.hax100_start_ok | truefalseicon }} {{ posreport.pos_count_hax100_end }} {{ posreport.bank_count_hax100_end }} {{ posreport.hax100_end_ok | truefalseicon }}
POS JSON {{ posreport.pos_json_sales.1 }} HAX in {{ posreport.pos_json_sales.0 }} transactions

{% endblock %}