{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load static from staticfiles %} {% block content %}

Bornhack is a 7 day outdoor tent camping festival people with an interest in technology and security come together to celebrate technology, socialise, learn and have fun.

It takes place for the first time from August 27 to September 3rd 2016 on the Danish island of Bornholm where we have found the geography and backbone to make it happen.

Bornhack is a participatory event where we expect people to come up with ideas and projects, and help make the content. We will reach out to people to ensure interesting, high quality talks and workshops.

You are very welcome to ask questions and show your interest on our different channels:

{% include 'includes/contact.html' %}

Follow and like us to get updates about the camp.

We hope you want to be a part of Bornhack. Ticket sales are open!

The Bornhack Team

Baconsvin village at OHM2013 Entrance to Baconsvin village at CCCamp2015> Dome being built at CCCamp2015 Person swinging lights in the night at OHM2013 Queer Feminist Geeks village at CCCamp2015 Dome at CCCamp2015 Lights at night at OHM2013 Free Chelsea Manning sign at CCCamp2015 Swedish Embassy sign at CCCamp2015

{% endblock %}