import logging from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) def check_speaker_event_camp_consistency(sender, instance, **kwargs): if kwargs["action"] == "pre_add": from program.models import Event, Speaker if isinstance(instance, Event): # loop over speakers being added to this event for pk in kwargs["pk_set"]: # check if this speaker belongs to a different Camp than the event does speaker = Speaker.objects.get(id=pk) if != raise ValidationError( { "speakers": "The speaker (%s) belongs to a different camp (%s) than the event does (%s)" % (speaker,, } ) elif isinstance(instance, Speaker): # loop over events being added to this speaker for pk in kwargs["pk_set"]: # check if this event belongs to a different Camp than the speaker does event = Event.objects.get(id=pk) if != raise ValidationError( { "events": f"The event ({event}) belongs to a different camp ({}) than the speaker does ({})" } ) def event_session_post_save(sender, instance, created, **kwargs): """Make sure we have the number of EventSlots we need to have, adjust if not""" instance.fixup_event_slots()