{% extends 'program_base.html' %} {% load commonmark %} {% load bornhack %} {% block program_content %} {% if not camp.call_for_participation_open %}
Note! This Call for Participation is not open. It is no longer possible to make changes to this proposal.
{% endif %}
{{ event_proposal.event_type.name }} Proposal: {{ event_proposal.title }}
{{ event_proposal.abstract|untrustedcommonmark }} {% if camp.call_for_participation_open and not camp.read_only and request.resolver_match.app_name == "program" %} Update Abstract
{% endif %}

Details for {{ event_proposal.title }}

Title {{ event_proposal.title }}
UUID {{ event_proposal.uuid }}
Status {{ event_proposal.proposal_status }}
Duration {{ event_proposal.duration }} minutes
Tags {% for tag in event_proposal.tags.all %} {{ tag }} {% empty %} N/A {% endfor %}
Use provided laptop? {{ event_proposal.use_provided_speaker_laptop|truefalseicon }}
Submission Notes {{ event_proposal.submission_notes|untrustedcommonmark|default:"N/A" }}
{% if camp.call_for_participation_open %} Update Details
{% endif %}

URLs for {{ event_proposal.title }}

{% if event_proposal.urls.exists %} {% include 'includes/event_proposal_url_table.html' %} {% else %} Nothing found. {% endif %} {% if camp.call_for_participation_open %} Add URL
{% endif %}

{{ event_proposal.event_type.host_title }} Proposals for {{ event_proposal.title }}

{% if event_proposal.speakers.exists %} {% include 'includes/speaker_proposal_table.html' with speaker_proposals=event_proposal.speakers.all %} {% else %} Nothing found. {% endif %} {% if camp.call_for_participation_open and not camp.read_only %} {% if event_proposal.get_available_speaker_proposals.exists %} Add {{ event_proposal.event_type.host_title }} {% else %} Add {{ event_proposal.event_type.host_title }} {% endif %} {% endif %}

Back to List {% if camp.call_for_participation_open %} Delete {% endif %}

{% endblock program_content %}