{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load static %} {% load commonmark %} {% block title %} Wish List | {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

BornHack Wishlist

This is a list of things the different BornHack teams need. If you own something on the list and you would like to donate it to BornHack then please don't hesitate to contact the team in question. Partial donations are also welcome, so if a team needs 10 of something and you have 5 then we still want to hear from you. When we no longer need something it will be removed from this list.

{% for wish in wish_list %} {% endfor %}
Wish Team Description Number Created
{{ wish.name }} {{ wish.team.name }} Team {{ wish.description|trustedcommonmark }} {{ wish.count }} {{ wish.created }}
{% endblock %}