from django.test import TestCase from django.utils import timezone from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeTZRange from .factories import ( ProductFactory, OrderProductRelationFactory, ) class ProductAvailabilityTest(TestCase): """ Test logic about availability of products. """ def test_product_available_by_stock(self): """ If no orders have been made, the product is still available. """ product = ProductFactory(stock_amount=10) self.assertEqual(product.left_in_stock, 10) self.assertTrue(product.is_available()) def test_product_not_available_by_stock(self): """ If max orders have been made, the product is NOT available. """ product = ProductFactory(stock_amount=2) for i in range(2): opr = OrderProductRelationFactory(product=product) order = opr.order order.paid = True self.assertEqual(product.left_in_stock, 0) self.assertFalse(product.is_stock_available) self.assertFalse(product.is_available()) def test_product_available_by_time(self): """ The product is available if now is in the right timeframe. """ product = ProductFactory() # The factory defines the timeframe as now and 31 days forward. self.assertTrue(product.is_time_available) self.assertTrue(product.is_available()) def test_product_not_available_by_time(self): """ The product is not available if now is outside the timeframe. """ available_in = DateTimeTZRange( - timezone.timedelta(5), - timezone.timedelta(1) ) product = ProductFactory(available_in=available_in) # The factory defines the timeframe as now and 31 days forward. self.assertFalse(product.is_time_available) self.assertFalse(product.is_available()) def test_product_is_not_available_yet(self): """ The product is not available because we are before lower bound. """ available_in = DateTimeTZRange( + timezone.timedelta(5) ) product = ProductFactory(available_in=available_in) # Make sure there is no upper - just in case. self.assertEqual(product.available_in.upper, None) # The factory defines the timeframe as now and 31 days forward. self.assertFalse(product.is_time_available) self.assertFalse(product.is_available()) def test_product_is_available_from_now_on(self): """ The product is available because we are after lower bound. """ available_in = DateTimeTZRange( - timezone.timedelta(1) ) product = ProductFactory(available_in=available_in) # Make sure there is no upper - just in case. self.assertEqual(product.available_in.upper, None) # The factory defines the timeframe as now and 31 days forward. self.assertTrue(product.is_time_available) self.assertTrue(product.is_available())