import uuid import os import icalendar import logging from datetime import timedelta from django.contrib.postgres.fields import DateTimeRangeField, ArrayField from django.contrib import messages from django.db import models from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist, ValidationError from django.utils.text import slugify from django.conf import settings from django.urls import reverse_lazy from import FileSystemStorage from django.urls import reverse from django.apps import apps from django.core.files.base import ContentFile from django.contrib.contenttypes.fields import GenericForeignKey from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType from utils.models import CreatedUpdatedModel, CampRelatedModel logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) class UrlType(CreatedUpdatedModel): """ Each Url object has a type. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=25, help_text='The name of this type', unique=True, ) icon = models.CharField( max_length=100, default='fas fa-link', help_text="Name of the fontawesome icon to use without the 'fa-' part" ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] def __str__(self): return class Url(CampRelatedModel): """ This model contains URLs related to - SpeakerProposals - EventProposals - Speakers - Events Each URL has a UrlType and a GenericForeignKey to the model to which it belongs. When a SpeakerProposal or EventProposal is approved the related URLs will be copied with FK to the new Speaker/Event objects. """ uuid = models.UUIDField( primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, ) url = models.URLField( help_text='The actual URL' ) urltype = models.ForeignKey( 'program.UrlType', help_text='The type of this URL', on_delete=models.PROTECT, ) speakerproposal = models.ForeignKey( 'program.SpeakerProposal', null=True, blank=True, help_text='The speaker proposal object this URL belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='urls', ) eventproposal = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventProposal', null=True, blank=True, help_text='The event proposal object this URL belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='urls', ) speaker = models.ForeignKey( 'program.Speaker', null=True, blank=True, help_text='The speaker proposal object this URL belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='urls', ) event = models.ForeignKey( 'program.Event', null=True, blank=True, help_text='The event proposal object this URL belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name='urls', ) def __str__(self): return self.url def clean(self): ''' Make sure we have exactly one FK ''' fks = 0 if self.speakerproposal: fks += 1 if self.eventproposal: fks += 1 if self.speaker: fks += 1 if self.event: fks += 1 if fks > 1: raise(ValidationError("Url objects must have maximum one FK, this has %s" % fks)) @property def owner(self): """ Return the object this Url belongs to """ if self.speakerproposal: return self.speakerproposal elif self.eventproposal: return self.eventproposal elif self.speaker: return self.speaker elif self.event: return self.event else: return None @property def camp(self): return camp_filter = 'owner__camp' ############################################################################### class UserSubmittedModel(CampRelatedModel): """ An abstract model containing the stuff that is shared between the SpeakerProposal and EventProposal models. """ class Meta: abstract = True uuid = models.UUIDField( primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4, editable=False, ) user = models.ForeignKey( 'auth.User', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) PROPOSAL_PENDING = 'pending' PROPOSAL_APPROVED = 'approved' PROPOSAL_REJECTED = 'rejected' PROPOSAL_STATUSES = [ PROPOSAL_PENDING, PROPOSAL_APPROVED, PROPOSAL_REJECTED, ] PROPOSAL_STATUS_CHOICES = [ (PROPOSAL_PENDING, 'Pending approval'), (PROPOSAL_APPROVED, 'Approved'), (PROPOSAL_REJECTED, 'Rejected'), ] proposal_status = models.CharField( max_length=50, choices=PROPOSAL_STATUS_CHOICES, default=PROPOSAL_PENDING, ) def __str__(self): return '%s (submitted by: %s, status: %s)' % (self.headline, self.user, self.proposal_status) def save(self, **kwargs): if not message = 'Call for participation is not open' if hasattr(self, 'request'): messages.error(self.request, message) raise ValidationError(message) super().save(**kwargs) def delete(self, **kwargs): if not message = 'Call for participation is not open' if hasattr(self, 'request'): messages.error(self.request, message) raise ValidationError(message) super().delete(**kwargs) class SpeakerProposal(UserSubmittedModel): """ A speaker proposal """ camp = models.ForeignKey( 'camps.Camp', related_name='speakerproposals', on_delete=models.PROTECT, editable=False, ) name = models.CharField( max_length=150, help_text='Name or alias of the speaker/artist/host', ) biography = models.TextField( help_text='Biography of the speaker/artist/host. Markdown is supported.' ) submission_notes = models.TextField( help_text='Private notes for this speaker/artist/host. Only visible to the submitting user and the BornHack organisers.', blank=True ) needs_oneday_ticket = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check if BornHack needs to provide a free one-day ticket for this speaker', ) @property def headline(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse_lazy('program:speakerproposal_detail', kwargs={'camp_slug':, 'pk': self.uuid}) def mark_as_approved(self, request): """ Marks a SpeakerProposal as approved, including creating/updating the related Speaker object """ speakerproposalmodel = apps.get_model('program', 'speakerproposal') # create a Speaker if we don't have one if not hasattr(self, 'speaker'): speakermodel = apps.get_model('program', 'speaker') speaker = speakermodel() speaker.proposal = self else: speaker = self.speaker # set Speaker data = = speaker.biography = self.biography speaker.needs_oneday_ticket = self.needs_oneday_ticket # mark as approved and save self.proposal_status = speakerproposalmodel.PROPOSAL_APPROVED # copy all the URLs to the speaker object speaker.urls.clear() for url in self.urls.all(): Url.objects.create( url=url.url, urltype=url.urltype, speaker=speaker ) # a message to the admin messages.success(request, "Speaker object %s has been created/updated" % speaker) def mark_as_rejected(self, request): speakerproposalmodel = apps.get_model('program', 'speakerproposal') self.proposal_status = speakerproposalmodel.PROPOSAL_REJECTED messages.success(request, "SpeakerProposal %s has been rejected" % class EventProposal(UserSubmittedModel): """ An event proposal """ track = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventTrack', related_name='eventproposals', help_text='The track this event belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) title = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text='The title of this event. Keep it short and memorable.', ) abstract = models.TextField( help_text='The abstract for this event. Describe what the audience can expect to see/hear.', blank=True, ) event_type = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventType', help_text='The type of event', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) speakers = models.ManyToManyField( 'program.SpeakerProposal', blank=True, help_text='Pick the speaker(s) for this event. If you cannot see anything here you need to go back and create Speaker Proposal(s) first.', related_name='eventproposals', ) allow_video_recording = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check to allow video recording of the event. Leave unchecked to avoid video recording.' ) duration = models.IntegerField( default=None, null=True, blank=True, help_text='How much time (in minutes) should we set aside for this act? Please keep it between 60 and 180 minutes (1-3 hours).' ) submission_notes = models.TextField( help_text='Private notes for this event. Only visible to the submitting user and the BornHack organisers.', blank=True ) @property def camp(self): return camp_filter = 'track__camp' @property def headline(self): return self.title def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse_lazy( 'program:eventproposal_detail', kwargs={'camp_slug':, 'pk': self.uuid} ) def get_available_speakerproposals(self): """ Return all SpeakerProposals submitted by the user who submitted this EventProposal, which are not already added to this EventProposal """ return SpeakerProposal.objects.filter(, user=self.user ).exclude(uuid__in=self.speakers.all().values_list('uuid')) def mark_as_approved(self, request): eventmodel = apps.get_model('program', 'event') eventproposalmodel = apps.get_model('program', 'eventproposal') event = eventmodel() event.track = self.track event.title = self.title event.abstract = self.abstract event.event_type = self.event_type event.proposal = self event.video_recording = self.allow_video_recording # loop through the speakerproposals linked to this eventproposal and associate any related speaker objects with this event for sp in self.speakers.all(): try: event.speakers.add(sp.speaker) except ObjectDoesNotExist: event.delete() raise ValidationError('Not all speakers are approved or created yet.') self.proposal_status = eventproposalmodel.PROPOSAL_APPROVED # copy all the URLs too for url in self.urls.all(): Url.objects.create( url=url.url, urltype=url.urltype, event=event ) messages.success(request, "Event object %s has been created" % event) def mark_as_rejected(self, request): eventproposalmodel = apps.get_model('program', 'eventproposal') self.proposal_status = eventproposalmodel.PROPOSAL_REJECTED messages.success(request, "EventProposal %s has been rejected" % self.title) ############################################################################### class EventTrack(CampRelatedModel): """ All events belong to a track. Administration of a track can be delegated to one or more users. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, help_text='The name of this Track', ) slug = models.SlugField( help_text='The url slug for this Track' ) camp = models.ForeignKey( 'camps.Camp', related_name='eventtracks', on_delete=models.PROTECT, help_text='The Camp this Track belongs to', ) managers = models.ManyToManyField( 'auth.User', related_name='managed_tracks', blank=True, help_text='If this track is managed by someone other than the Content team pick the users here.' ) def __str__(self): return class Meta: unique_together = (('camp', 'slug'), ('camp', 'name')) def serialize(self): return { "name":, "slug": self.slug, } class EventLocation(CampRelatedModel): """ The places where stuff happens """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100 ) slug = models.SlugField() icon = models.CharField( max_length=100, help_text="Name of the fontawesome icon to use without the 'fa-' part" ) camp = models.ForeignKey( 'camps.Camp', related_name='eventlocations', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) def __str__(self): return '{} ({})'.format(, class Meta: unique_together = (('camp', 'slug'), ('camp', 'name')) def serialize(self): return { "name":, "slug": self.slug, "icon": self.icon, } class EventType(CreatedUpdatedModel): """ Every event needs to have a type. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=100, unique=True, help_text='The name of this event type', ) slug = models.SlugField() description = models.TextField( default='', help_text='The description of this type of event. Used in content submission flow.', blank=True, ) color = models.CharField( max_length=50, help_text='The background color of this event type', ) light_text = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check if this event type should use white text color', ) icon = models.CharField( max_length=25, help_text="Name of the fontawesome icon to use, without the 'fa-' part", default='wrench', ) notifications = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check to send notifications for this event type', ) public = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check to permit users to submit events of this type', ) include_in_event_list = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Include events of this type in the event list?', ) host_title = models.CharField( max_length=30, help_text='What to call someone hosting this type of event. Like "Artist" for Music or "Speaker" for talks.', default='Person', ) def __str__(self): return def serialize(self): return { "name":, "slug": self.slug, "color": self.color, "light_text": self.light_text, } class Event(CampRelatedModel): """ Something that is on the program one or more times. """ title = models.CharField( max_length=255, help_text='The title of this event', ) abstract = models.TextField( help_text='The abstract for this event' ) event_type = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventType', help_text='The type of this event', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) slug = models.SlugField( blank=True, max_length=255, help_text='The slug for this event, created automatically', ) track = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventTrack', related_name='events', help_text='The track this event belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) video_url = models.URLField( max_length=1000, null=True, blank=True, help_text='URL to the recording' ) video_recording = models.BooleanField( default=True, help_text='Do we intend to record video of this event?' ) proposal = models.OneToOneField( 'program.EventProposal', null=True, blank=True, help_text='The event proposal object this event was created from', on_delete=models.PROTECT, editable=False, ) class Meta: ordering = ['title'] unique_together = (('track', 'slug'), ('track', 'title')) def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.title, def save(self, **kwargs): if not self.slug: self.slug = slugify(self.title) super(Event, self).save(**kwargs) @property def camp(self): return camp_filter = 'track__camp' @property def speakers_list(self): if self.speakers.exists(): return ", ".join(self.speakers.all().values_list('name', flat=True)) return False def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse_lazy('program:event_detail', kwargs={'camp_slug':, 'slug': self.slug}) def serialize(self): data = { 'title': self.title, 'slug': self.slug, 'abstract': self.abstract, 'speaker_slugs': [ speaker.slug for speaker in self.speakers.all() ], 'event_type':, } if self.video_url: video_state = 'has-recording' data['video_url'] = self.video_url elif self.video_recording: video_state = 'to-be-recorded' elif not self.video_recording: video_state = 'not-to-be-recorded' data['video_state'] = video_state return data class EventInstance(CampRelatedModel): """ An instance of an event """ event = models.ForeignKey( 'program.event', related_name='instances', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) when = DateTimeRangeField() notifications_sent = models.BooleanField( default=False ) location = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventLocation', related_name='eventinstances', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) class Meta: ordering = ['when'] def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (self.event, self.when) def clean(self): if != raise ValidationError({'location': 'Error: This location belongs to a different camp'}) @property def camp(self): return camp_filter = 'event__track__camp' @property def schedule_date(self): """ Returns the schedule date of this eventinstance. Schedule date is determined by substracting settings.SCHEDULE_MIDNIGHT_OFFSET_HOURS from the eventinstance start time. This means that if an event is scheduled for 00:30 wednesday evening (technically thursday) then the date after substracting 5 hours would be wednesdays date, not thursdays (given settings.SCHEDULE_MIDNIGHT_OFFSET_HOURS=5) """ return (self.when.lower-timedelta(hours=settings.SCHEDULE_MIDNIGHT_OFFSET_HOURS)).date() @property def timeslots(self): """ Find the number of timeslots this eventinstance takes up """ seconds = (self.when.upper-self.when.lower).seconds minutes = seconds / 60 return minutes / settings.SCHEDULE_TIMESLOT_LENGTH_MINUTES def get_ics_event(self): ievent = icalendar.Event() ievent['summary'] = self.event.title ievent['description'] = self.event.abstract ievent['dtstart'] = icalendar.vDatetime(self.when.lower).to_ical() ievent['dtend'] = icalendar.vDatetime(self.when.upper).to_ical() ievent['location'] = icalendar.vText( return ievent def serialize(self, user=None): data = { 'title': self.event.title, 'slug': self.event.slug + '-' + str(, 'event_slug': self.event.slug, 'from': self.when.lower.astimezone().isoformat(), 'to': self.when.upper.astimezone().isoformat(), 'url': str(self.event.get_absolute_url()), 'id':, 'bg-color': self.event.event_type.color, 'fg-color': '#fff' if self.event.event_type.light_text else '#000', 'event_type': self.event.event_type.slug, 'event_track': self.event.track.slug, 'location': self.location.slug, 'location_icon': self.location.icon, 'timeslots': self.timeslots, } if self.event.video_url: video_state = 'has-recording' data['video_url'] = self.event.video_url elif self.event.video_recording: video_state = 'to-be-recorded' elif not self.event.video_recording: video_state = 'not-to-be-recorded' data['video_state'] = video_state if user and user.is_authenticated: is_favorited = user.favorites.filter(event_instance=self).exists() data['is_favorited'] = is_favorited return data class Speaker(CampRelatedModel): """ A Person (co)anchoring one or more events on a camp. """ name = models.CharField( max_length=150, help_text='Name or alias of the speaker', ) biography = models.TextField( help_text='Markdown is supported.' ) slug = models.SlugField( blank=True, max_length=255, help_text='The slug for this speaker, will be autocreated', ) camp = models.ForeignKey( 'camps.Camp', null=True, related_name='speakers', help_text='The camp this speaker belongs to', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) events = models.ManyToManyField( Event, blank=True, help_text='The event(s) this speaker is anchoring', related_name='speakers' ) proposal = models.OneToOneField( 'program.SpeakerProposal', null=True, blank=True, help_text='The speaker proposal object this speaker was created from', on_delete=models.PROTECT, editable=False, ) needs_oneday_ticket = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text='Check if BornHack needs to provide a free one-day ticket for this speaker', ) class Meta: ordering = ['name'] unique_together = (('camp', 'name'), ('camp', 'slug')) def __str__(self): return '%s (%s)' % (, def save(self, **kwargs): if not self.slug: self.slug = slugify( super(Speaker, self).save(**kwargs) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse_lazy('program:speaker_detail', kwargs={'camp_slug':, 'slug': self.slug}) def serialize(self): data = { 'name':, 'slug': self.slug, 'biography': self.biography, } return data class Favorite(models.Model): user = models.ForeignKey( 'auth.User', related_name='favorites', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) event_instance = models.ForeignKey( 'program.EventInstance', on_delete=models.PROTECT ) class Meta: unique_together = ['user', 'event_instance'] # classes and functions below here was used by picture handling for speakers before it was removed in May 2018 by tyk class CustomUrlStorage(FileSystemStorage): """ Must exist because it is mentioned in old migrations. Can be removed when we clean up old migrations at some point """ pass def get_speaker_picture_upload_path(): """ Must exist because it is mentioned in old migrations. Can be removed when we clean up old migrations at some point """ pass def get_speakerproposal_picture_upload_path(): """ Must exist because it is mentioned in old migrations. Can be removed when we clean up old migrations at some point """ pass def get_speakersubmission_picture_upload_path(): """ Must exist because it is mentioned in old migrations. Can be removed when we clean up old migrations at some point """ pass