# Bornhack Django project to power Bornhack. Features do not include: - Create camp - Control expenses for a camp - Manage signups for attendees for a camp - ... ## Quickstart Create a Python 2.7 virtual environment and activate it: $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate Install dependencies: (venv) $ pip install -r requirements/development.txt Copy environment file and change settings like DATABASE_URL: (venv) $ cp bornhack/settings/env.dist bornhack/settings/.env Run `make` (removing USE_SQLITE=1 if you want to use postgres) (venv) $ SQLITE=1 make Which is equivalent with this: (venv) $ ./manage.py migrate --settings=bornhack.settings.development (venv) $ ./manage.py createsuperuser --settings=bornhack.settings.development (venv) $ ./manage.py runserver --settings=bornhack.settings.development ### Setting up Postgres Using Postgres is only necessary for purposes of the special [JSONField](https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/ref/contrib/postgres/fields/). The field is active on our shop mainly, so you can still develop things for most parts of the site without installing Postgres. To use default settings and make commands, create a user `bornhack`, password `bornhack` and database `bornhack_dev` to use default setttings.