{% load static from staticfiles %} {% load shop_tags %}

{{ invoice.created|date:"b jS, Y" }}
Order #{{ invoice.order.pk }}
Invoice #{{ invoice.pk }}

Customer: {{ invoice.order.user.email }}


Name Quantity Price Total {% for order_product in invoice.order.orderproductrelation_set.all %}
{{ order_product.product.name }} {{ order_product.quantity }} {{ order_product.product.price|currency }} {{ order_product.total|currency }} {% endfor %}
Danish VAT (25%) {{ invoice.order.vat|currency }}
Total {{ invoice.order.total|currency }}

The order has been paid in full.

Note: Danish law grants everyone a 14 days 'cooling-off' period for internet purchases, in which the customer can regret the purchase for any reason (including just changing your mind). In case you regret this purchase please contact us on info@bornhack.dk for a full refund. This is possible until {{ invoice.regretdate|date:"b jS, Y" }}. Please see our General Terms & Conditions on our website for more information on order cancellation.