from django.utils import timezone from datetime import timedelta from ircbot.utils import add_irc_message import logging logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) def handle_team_event(eventtype, irc_message=None, irc_timeout=60, email_template=None, email_formatdict=None): """ This method is our basic event handler. The type of event determines which teams receive notifications. TODO: Add some sort of priority to messages """"Inside handle_team_event, eventtype %s" % eventtype) # get event type from database from .models import Type try: eventtype = Type.objects.get(name=eventtype) except Type.DoesNotExist: # unknown event type, do nothing logger.error("Unknown eventtype %s" % eventtype) return if not eventtype.teams: # no routes found for this eventtype, do nothing #logger.error("No routes round for eventtype %s" % eventtype) return # loop over routes (teams) for this eventtype for team in eventtype.teams:"Handling eventtype %s for team %s" % (eventtype, team)) team_irc_notification(team=team, eventtype=eventtype, irc_message=irc_message, irc_timeout=irc_timeout) team_email_notification(team=team, eventtype=eventtype, email_template=None, email_formatdict=None) # handle any future notification types here.. def team_irc_notification(team, eventtype, irc_message=None, irc_timeout=60): """ Sends IRC notifications for events to team IRC channels """"Inside team_irc_notification, message %s" % irc_message) if not irc_message: logger.error("No IRC message found") return if not eventtype.irc_notification: logger.error("IRC notifications not enabled for eventtype %s" % eventtype) return if not team.private_irc_channel_name or not team.private_irc_channel_bot: logger.error("team %s does not have a private IRC channel" % team) return # send an IRC message to the the channel for this team add_irc_message( target=team.private_irc_channel_name, message=irc_message, timeout=60 )"Added new IRC message for channel %s" % team.irc_channel_name) def team_email_notification(team, eventtype, email_template=None, email_formatdict=None): """ Sends email notifications for events to team mailinglists (if possible, otherwise directly to the team responsibles) """ if not email_template or not email_formatdict or not eventtype.email_notification: # no email message found, or email notifications are not enabled for this event type return if team.mailing_list: # send notification to the team mailing list recipient_list = [team.mailing_list] else: # no team mailinglist, send to the team responsibles instead recipient_list = [ for resp in team.responsible_members.all()] # TODO: actually send the email here