from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.conf import settings from django.template.loader import render_to_string import logging logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) def send_email(emailtype, recipient, formatdict, subject, sender='BornHack ', attachment=None): ### determine email type, set template and attachment vars html_template=None if emailtype == 'invoice': text_template = 'emails/invoice_email.txt' html_template = 'emails/invoice_email.html' attachment_filename = formatdict['filename'] elif emailtype == 'creditnote': text_template = 'emails/creditnote_email.txt' html_template = 'emails/creditnote_email.html' attachment_filename = formatdict['creditnote'].filename elif emailtype == 'testmail': text_template = 'emails/testmail.txt' else: logger.error('Unknown email type: %s' % emailtype) return False try: ### put the basic email together msg = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, render_to_string(text_template, formatdict), sender, [recipient], [settings.ARCHIVE_EMAIL]) ### is there a html version of this email? if html_template: msg.attach_alternative(render_to_string(html_template, formatdict), 'text/html') ### is there a pdf attachment to this mail? if attachment: msg.attach(attachment_filename, attachment, 'application/pdf') except Exception as E: logger.exception('exception while rendering email: %s' % E) return False ### send the email msg.send() ### all good return True def send_creditnote_email(creditnote): # put formatdict together formatdict = { 'creditnote': creditnote, } subject = 'BornHack creditnote %s' % # send mail return send_email( emailtype='creditnote',, formatdict=formatdict, subject=subject, sender='',, ) def send_invoice_email(invoice): # put formatdict together formatdict = { 'ordernumber':, 'invoicenumber':, 'filename': invoice.filename, } subject = 'BornHack invoice %s' % # send mail return send_email( emailtype='invoice',, formatdict=formatdict, subject=subject, sender='',, ) def send_test_email(recipient): return send_email( emailtype='testmail', recipient=recipient, subject='testmail from bornhack website', )