module Views.FilterView exposing (filterSidebar, applyFilters, parseFilterFromQuery, filterToQuery) -- Local modules import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) import Models exposing (Model, EventInstance, Filter, Day, FilterQuery, Route(OverviewFilteredRoute), VideoRecordingFilter) import Routing exposing (routeToString) -- Core modules import Regex -- External modules import Html exposing (Html, text, div, ul, li, span, i, h4) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, classList) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) import Date.Extra exposing (Interval(..), equalBy) applyFilters : Day -> Model -> List EventInstance applyFilters day model = let types = (\eventType -> eventType.slug) (if List.isEmpty model.filter.eventTypes then model.eventTypes else model.filter.eventTypes ) locations = (\eventLocation -> eventLocation.slug) (if List.isEmpty model.filter.eventLocations then model.eventLocations else model.filter.eventLocations ) videoFilters = (\filter -> filter.filter) (if List.isEmpty model.filter.videoRecording then videoRecordingFilters else model.filter.videoRecording ) filteredEventInstances = List.filter (\eventInstance -> (Date.Extra.equalBy Month eventInstance.from && (Date.Extra.equalBy Date.Extra.Day eventInstance.from && List.member eventInstance.location locations && List.member eventInstance.eventType types && applyVideoRecordingFilters videoFilters eventInstance ) model.eventInstances in filteredEventInstances filterSidebar : Model -> Html Msg filterSidebar model = div [ classList [ ( "col-sm-3", True ) , ( "col-sm-push-9", True ) , ( "schedule-sidebar", True ) , ( "schedule-filter", True ) , ( "sticky", True ) ] ] [ h4 [] [ text "Filter" ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ filterView "Type" model.eventTypes model.filter.eventTypes ToggleEventTypeFilter , filterView "Location" model.eventLocations model.filter.eventLocations ToggleEventLocationFilter , filterView "Video" videoRecordingFilters model.filter.videoRecording ToggleVideoRecordingFilter ] ] notRecordedFilter : EventInstance -> Bool notRecordedFilter eventInstance = eventInstance.videoRecording == False recordedFilter : EventInstance -> Bool recordedFilter eventInstance = eventInstance.videoRecording == True hasRecordingFilter : EventInstance -> Bool hasRecordingFilter eventInstance = eventInstance.videoUrl /= "" videoRecordingFilters : List VideoRecordingFilter videoRecordingFilters = [ { name = "Will not be recorded", slug = "not-to-be-recorded", filter = notRecordedFilter } , { name = "Will recorded", slug = "to-be-recorded", filter = recordedFilter } , { name = "Has recording", slug = "has-recording", filter = hasRecordingFilter } ] applyVideoRecordingFilters : List (EventInstance -> Bool) -> EventInstance -> Bool applyVideoRecordingFilters filters eventInstance = let results = (\filter -> filter eventInstance) filters in List.member True results filterView : String -> List { a | name : String } -> List { a | name : String } -> ({ a | name : String } -> Msg) -> Html Msg filterView name possibleFilters currentFilters action = div [] [ text (name ++ ":") , ul [] ( (\filter -> filterChoiceView filter currentFilters action) possibleFilters) ] filterChoiceView : { a | name : String } -> List { a | name : String } -> ({ a | name : String } -> Msg) -> Html Msg filterChoiceView filter currentFilters action = let active = List.member filter currentFilters notActive = not active in li [] [ div [ classList [ ( "btn", True ) , ( "btn-default", True ) , ( "filter-choice-active", active ) ] , onClick (action filter) ] [ span [] [ i [ classList [ ( "fa", True ), ( "fa-minus", active ), ( "fa-plus", notActive ) ] ] [] , text (" " ++ ] ] ] findFilter : List { a | slug : String } -> String -> Maybe { a | slug : String } findFilter modelItems filterSlug = List.head (List.filter (\x -> x.slug == filterSlug) modelItems) getFilter : String -> List { a | slug : String } -> String -> List { a | slug : String } getFilter filterType modelItems query = let filterMatch = query |> Regex.find (Regex.AtMost 1) (Regex.regex (filterType ++ "=([\\w,_-]+)&*")) |> List.concatMap .submatches |> List.head |> Maybe.withDefault Nothing |> Maybe.withDefault "" filterSlugs = String.split "," filterMatch in List.filterMap (\x -> findFilter modelItems x) filterSlugs parseFilterFromQuery : FilterQuery -> Model -> Filter parseFilterFromQuery query model = let types = getFilter "type" model.eventTypes query locations = getFilter "location" model.eventLocations query videoFilters = getFilter "video" videoRecordingFilters query in { eventTypes = types , eventLocations = locations , videoRecording = videoFilters } filterToQuery : Filter -> FilterQuery filterToQuery filter = let typePart = case String.join "," ( .slug filter.eventTypes) of "" -> "" types -> "type=" ++ types locationPart = case String.join "," ( .slug filter.eventLocations) of "" -> "" locations -> "location=" ++ locations videoPart = case String.join "," ( .slug filter.videoRecording) of "" -> "" video -> "video=" ++ video result = String.join "&" (List.filter (\x -> x /= "") [ typePart, locationPart, videoPart ]) in routeToString <| OverviewFilteredRoute result