import logging from datetime import timedelta from conference_scheduler import resources, scheduler from conference_scheduler.lp_problem import objective_functions from conference_scheduler.validator import is_valid_schedule, schedule_violations from psycopg2.extras import DateTimeTZRange from .models import EventType logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__) class AutoScheduler: """ The BornHack AutoScheduler. Made with love by Tykling. Built around which works with lists of conference_scheduler.resources.Slot and conference_scheduler.resources.Event objects. Most of the code in this class deals with massaging our data into a list of Slot and Event objects defining the data and constraints for the scheduler. Initialising this class takes a while because all the objects have to be created. """ def __init__(self, camp): """ Get EventTypes, EventSessions and Events, build autoslot and autoevent objects """ = camp # Get all EventTypes which support autoscheduling self.event_types = self.get_event_types() # Get all EventSessions for the current event_types self.event_sessions = self.get_event_sessions(self.event_types) # Build a lookup dict of lists of EventSession IDs per EventType (for easy lookups later) self.event_type_sessions = {} for session in self.event_sessions: if session.event_type not in self.event_type_sessions: self.event_type_sessions[session.event_type] = [] self.event_type_sessions[session.event_type].append( # Get all Events for the current event_types = self.get_events(self.event_types) # Get autoslots self.autoslots = self.get_autoslots(self.event_sessions) # Build a lookup dict of autoslots per EventType self.event_type_slots = {} for autoslot in self.autoslots: # loop over event_type_sessions dict and find our for et, sessions in self.event_type_sessions.items(): if autoslot.session in sessions: if et not in self.event_type_slots: self.event_type_slots[et] = [] self.event_type_slots[et].append(autoslot) break # get autoevents and a lookup dict which maps Event id to autoevent index self.autoevents, self.autoeventindex = self.get_autoevents( def get_event_types(self): """ Return all EventTypes which support autoscheduling """ return EventType.objects.filter(support_autoscheduling=True) def get_event_sessions(self, event_types): """ Return all EventSessions for these EventTypes """ return event_type__in=event_types, ).prefetch_related("event_type", "event_location") def get_events(self, event_types): """ Return all Events that need scheduling """ # return all events for these event_types, but.. return # exclude Events that have been sceduled already... event_slots__isnull=False, # ...unless those events are autoscheduled event_slots__autoscheduled=False, ) def get_autoslots(self, event_sessions): """ Return a list of autoslots for all slots in all EventSessions """ autoslots = [] # loop over the sessions for session in event_sessions: # loop over available slots in this session for slot in session.get_available_slots(count_autoscheduled_as_free=True): autoslots.append(slot.get_autoscheduler_slot()) return autoslots def get_autoevents(self, events): """ Return a list of resources.Event objects, one for each Event """ autoevents = [] autoeventindex = {} eventindex = {} for event in events: autoevents.append( resources.Event(, duration=event.duration_minutes, tags=event.tags.names(), demand=event.demand, ) ) # create a dict of events with the autoevent index as key and the Event as value autoeventindex[autoevents.index(autoevents[-1])] = event # create a dict of events with the Event as key and the autoevent index as value eventindex[event] = autoevents.index(autoevents[-1]) # loop over all autoevents to add unavailability... # (we have to do this in a seperate loop because we need all the autoevents to exist) for autoevent in autoevents: # get the Event event = autoeventindex[autoevents.index(autoevent)] # loop over all other event_types... for et in self.event_types.all().exclude( if et in self.event_type_slots: # and add all slots for this EventType as unavailable for this event, # this means we don't schedule a talk in a workshop slot and vice versa. autoevent.add_unavailability(*self.event_type_slots[et]) # loop over all speakers for this event and add event conflicts for speaker in event.speakers.all(): # loop over other events featuring this speaker, register each conflict, # this means we dont schedule two events for the same speaker at the same time conflict_ids = "id", flat=True ) for conflictevent in autoevents: if in conflict_ids: # only the event with the lowest index gets the unavailability, if autoevents.index(conflictevent) > autoevents.index( autoevent ): autoevent.add_unavailability(conflictevent) # loop over event_conflicts for this speaker, register unavailability for each, # this means we dont schedule this event at the same time as something the # speaker wishes to attend. # Only process Events which the AutoScheduler is handling for conflictevent in speaker.event_conflicts.filter( pk__in=events.values_list("pk", flat=True) ): # only the event with the lowest index gets the unavailability if eventindex[conflictevent] > autoevents.index(autoevent): autoevent.add_unavailability( autoevents[eventindex[conflictevent]] ) # loop over event_conflicts for this speaker, register unavailability for each, # only process Events which the AutoScheduler is not handling, and which have # been scheduled in one or more EventSlots for conflictevent in speaker.event_conflicts.filter( event_slots__isnull=False ).exclude(pk__in=events.values_list("pk", flat=True)): # loop over the EventSlots this conflict is scheduled in for conflictslot in conflictevent.event_slots.all(): # loop over all slots for slot in self.autoslots: # check if this slot overlaps with the conflictevents slot if conflictslot.when & DateTimeTZRange( slot.starts_at, slot.starts_at + timedelta(minutes=slot.duration), ): # this slot overlaps with the conflicting event autoevent.add_unavailability(slot) # Register all slots where we have no positive availability # for this speaker as unavailable available = [] for availability in speaker.availabilities.filter( available=True ).values_list("when", flat=True): availability = DateTimeTZRange( availability.lower, availability.upper, "()" ) for slot in self.autoslots: slotrange = DateTimeTZRange( slot.starts_at, slot.starts_at + timedelta(minutes=slot.duration), "()", ) if slotrange in availability: # the speaker is available for this slot available.append(self.autoslots.index(slot)) autoevent.add_unavailability( *[ s for s in self.autoslots if not self.autoslots.index(s) in available ] ) return autoevents, autoeventindex def build_current_autoschedule(self): """ Build an autoschedule object based on the existing published schedule. Returns an autoschedule, which is a list of conference_scheduler.resources.ScheduledItem objects, one for each scheduled Event. This function is useful for creating an "original schedule" to base a new similar schedule off of. """ # loop over scheduled events and create a ScheduledItem object for each autoschedule = [] for slot in autoscheduled=True, ): # loop over all autoevents to find the index of this event for autoevent in self.autoevents: if == # we need the index number of the event eventindex = self.autoevents.index(autoevent) break # loop over the autoslots to find the index of the autoslot this event is scheduled in scheduled = False for autoslot in self.autoslots: if ( autoslot.venue == and autoslot.starts_at == slot.when.lower and autoslot.session in self.event_type_sessions[slot.event.event_type] ): # This autoslot starts at the same time as the EventSlot, and at the same # location. It also has the session ID of a session with the right EventType. autoschedule.append( resources.ScheduledItem( event=self.autoevents[eventindex], slot=self.autoslots[self.autoslots.index(autoslot)], ) ) scheduled = True break # did we find a slot matching this EventInstance? if not scheduled: print(f"Could not find an autoslot for slot {slot} - skipping") # The returned schedule might not be valid! For example if a speaker is no # longer available when their talk is scheduled. This is fine though, an invalid # schedule can still be used as a basis for creating a new similar schedule. return autoschedule def calculate_autoschedule(self, original_schedule=None): """ Calculate autoschedule based on self.autoevents and self.autoslots, optionally using original_schedule to minimise changes """ kwargs = {} kwargs["events"] = self.autoevents kwargs["slots"] = self.autoslots # include another schedule in the calculation? if original_schedule: kwargs["original_schedule"] = original_schedule kwargs["objective_function"] = objective_functions.number_of_changes else: # otherwise use the capacity demand difference thing kwargs[ "objective_function" ] = objective_functions.efficiency_capacity_demand_difference # calculate the new schedule autoschedule = scheduler.schedule(**kwargs) return autoschedule def calculate_similar_autoschedule(self, original_schedule=None): """ Convenience method for creating similar schedules. If original_schedule is omitted the new schedule is based on the current schedule instead """ if not original_schedule: # we do not have an original_schedule, use current EventInstances original_schedule = self.build_current_autoschedule() # calculate and return autoschedule = self.calculate_autoschedule(original_schedule=original_schedule) diff = self.diff(original_schedule, autoschedule) return autoschedule, diff def apply(self, autoschedule): """ Apply an autoschedule by creating EventInstance objects to match it """ # "The Clean Slate protocol sir?" - delete any existing autoscheduled Events # TODO: investigate how this affects the FRAB XML export (for which we added a UUID on # EventInstance objects). Make sure "favourite" functionality or bookmarks or w/e in # FRAB clients still work after a schedule "re"apply. We might need a smaller hammer here. deleted = # get all autoscheduled EventSlots autoscheduled=True ).update( # clear the Event event=None, # and autoscheduled status autoscheduled=None, ) # loop and schedule events scheduled = 0 for item in autoschedule: # each item is an instance of conference_scheduler.resources.ScheduledItem event = slot = event_session_id=item.slot.session, when=DateTimeTZRange( item.slot.starts_at, item.slot.starts_at + timedelta(minutes=item.slot.duration), "[)", # remember to use the correct bounds when comparing ), ) slot.event = event slot.autoscheduled = True scheduled += 1 # return the numbers return deleted, scheduled def diff(self, original_schedule, new_schedule): """ This method returns a dict of Event differences and Slot differences between the two schedules. """ slot_diff = scheduler.slot_schedule_difference(original_schedule, new_schedule,) slot_output = [] for item in slot_diff: slot_output.append( { "event_location":, "starttime": item.slot.starts_at, "old": {}, "new": {}, } ) if item.old_event: try: old_event = except old_event = slot_output[-1]["old"]["event"] = old_event if item.new_event: try: new_event = except new_event = slot_output[-1]["new"]["event"] = new_event # then get a list of differences per event event_diff = scheduler.event_schedule_difference( original_schedule, new_schedule, ) event_output = [] # loop over the differences and build the dict for item in event_diff: try: event = except event = event_output.append( {"event": event, "old": {}, "new": {},} ) # do we have an old slot for this event? if item.old_slot: event_output[-1]["old"][ "event_location" ] = event_output[-1]["old"]["starttime"] = item.old_slot.starts_at # do we have a new slot for this event? if item.new_slot: event_output[-1]["new"][ "event_location" ] = event_output[-1]["new"]["starttime"] = item.new_slot.starts_at # all good return {"event_diffs": event_output, "slot_diffs": slot_output} def is_valid(self, autoschedule, return_violations=False): """ Check if a schedule is valid, optionally returning a list of violations if invalid """ valid = is_valid_schedule( autoschedule, slots=self.autoslots, events=self.autoevents ) if not return_violations: return valid return ( valid, schedule_violations( autoschedule, slots=self.autoslots, events=self.autoevents ), )