{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load commonmark %} {% load static %} {% load bornhack %} {% block content %}
BackOffice - EventSlots

EventSlots are what we schedule Events in. Search for an Event, Speaker, EventType, EventLocation, or day to filter the list.

{% if not event_slot_list %}

No EventSlots found. Go create some EventSessions! Create EventSession Backoffice

{% else %}


{% for slot in event_slot_list %} {% if slot.event %} {% else %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
Start End Session Type Location Event Speakers Overflow Actions
{{ slot.when.lower }} {{ slot.when.upper }} {{ slot.event_session.id }} {{ slot.event_type.icon_html }} {{ slot.event_type.name }} {{ slot.event_location.icon_html }} {{ slot.event_location.name }}{{ slot.event.title }}
({% if slot.autoscheduled %}autoscheduled{% else %}manual{% endif %})
{% if slot.event.speakers.exists %}
    {% for speaker in slot.event.speakers.all %} {{ speaker.name }} {% endfor %} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
{{ slot.overflow }}N/A N/A N/A
Details {% if slot.event %} Unschedule {% endif %}
{% endif %}


{% endblock content %}