{% extends 'program_base.html' %} {% load leaflet_tags %} {% load static %} {% load commonmark %} {% load bornhack %} {% block extra_head %} {% leaflet_css %} {% endblock extra_head %} {% block title %} {{ facility.name }} - Facilities | {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

{{ facility.facility_type.name }}: {{ facility.name }}

Facility Name {{ facility.name }}
Facility Type {{ facility.facility_type.name }}

Description {{ facility.description|linebreaksbr }}
Location Lat {{ facility.location.y }} Long {{ facility.location.x }}
Opening Hours {% if facility.opening_hours.exists %} {% for opening in facility.opening_hours.all %} {% endfor %}
Opens Closes Duration Notes
{{ opening.when.lower }} {{ opening.when.upper }} {{ opening.duration }} {{ opening.notes|trustedcommonmark|default:"N/A" }}
{% else %} This facility does not have opening hours, it is always open. {% endif %}

{% if request.user.is_authenticated %} Submit Feedback {% endif %} Back to {{ facilitytype.name }} list

Feedback QR Code

{% endblock %}