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Bornhack 2017 will be the second BornHack. It will take place from August 22nd to August 29th 2017 on the Danish island of Bornholm. The tagline of this event will be Make Tradition.
{% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/esbjerg' '1600x988-B12A2610.jpg' 'The family area at BornHack 2016' %}

{% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/esbjerg' '1600x988-B12A2631.jpg' 'The BornHack 2016 organiser team' %}
The BornHack team looks forward to organising another great event for the hacker community. We still need volunteers, so please let us know if you want to help!

We want to encourage hackers, makers, politicians, activists, developers, artists, sysadmins, engineers and anyone else with an interest in technology and society to read our call for speakers.
{% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/fonsmark' 'FB1_5149.JPG' 'Danish politicians debating at BornHack 2016' %}

{% thumbnail 'img/bornhack-2016/fonsmark' 'FB1_5265.JPG' 'Organisers thanking the BornHack 2016 sponsors' %}
BornHack aims to keep ticket prices affordable for everyone and to that end we need sponsors. Please see our call for sponsors if you want to sponsor us, or if you work for a company you think might be able to help.
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