{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block content %}


Here you can see your orders and available products in the shop.


{% for order in orders %} {% endfor %}
Order ID Open? Paid? Delivered? Actions
{{ order.id }} {{ order.finalized }} {{ order.paid }} ? {% if order.finalized and not order.paid %} {% bootstrap_button "Pay order" href="{% reverse 'shop:order_detail' pk=order.id %}" button_class="btn-primary" %} {% bootstrap_button "Cancel order" href="{% reverse 'shop:order_cancel' pk=order.id %}" button_class="btn-primary" %} {% endif %}


{% for product in product_list %} {% endfor %}
Description Price Availability Buy
{{ product.name }} {{ product.price }} DKK {{ product.available_in.lower }} {% if product.available_in.upper %} - {{ product.available_in.upper }} {% endif %} {% if product.is_available %} {% bootstrap_button "Add to order" href="{% reverse 'shop:product_detail' pk=product.id %}" button_class="btn-primary" %} {% else %} N/A {% endif %}
{% endblock %}