module Views.DayView exposing (dayView) -- Local modules import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) import Models exposing (Model, Day, EventInstance, Route(EventRoute), FilterType(..), getSlugFromFilterType, getNameFromFilterType) import Routing exposing (routeToString) -- Core modules import Date exposing (Date) -- External modules import Html exposing (Html, text, div, ul, li, span, i, h4, table, p, a) import Html.Attributes exposing (classList, style, href) import Date.Extra import List.Extra blockHeight : Int blockHeight = 15 headerHeight : Int headerHeight = 50 px : Int -> String px value = (toString value) ++ "px" dayView : Day -> Model -> Html Msg dayView day model = let start = Date.Extra.add Date.Extra.Hour model.flags.schedule_midnight_offset_hours lastHour = Date.Extra.add Date.Extra.Day 1 start minutes = Date.Extra.range Date.Extra.Minute 15 start lastHour filteredEventInstances = List.filter (\x -> Date.Extra.equalBy Date.Extra.Day x.from model.eventInstances in div [ classList [ ( "row", True ) ] ] [ gutter minutes , locationColumns filteredEventInstances model.eventLocations model.flags.schedule_midnight_offset_hours minutes ] locationColumns : List EventInstance -> List FilterType -> Int -> List Date -> Html Msg locationColumns eventInstances eventLocations offset minutes = let columnWidth = 100.0 / toFloat (List.length eventLocations) in div [ style [ ( "display", "flex" ) , ( "justify-content", "space-around" ) ] , classList [ ( "col-sm-11", True ) ] ] ( (\location -> locationColumn columnWidth eventInstances offset minutes location) eventLocations) locationColumn : Float -> List EventInstance -> Int -> List Date -> FilterType -> Html Msg locationColumn columnWidth eventInstances offset minutes location = let locationInstances = List.filter (\instance -> instance.location == getSlugFromFilterType location) eventInstances overlappingGroups = List.Extra.groupWhile (\instanceA instanceB -> Date.Extra.isBetween instanceA.from instanceB.from) locationInstances in div [ style [ ( "width", (toString columnWidth) ++ "%" ) ] , classList [ ( "location-column", True ) ] ] ([ div [ style [ ( "height", px headerHeight ) ] , classList [ ( "location-column-header", True ) ] ] [ text <| getNameFromFilterType location ] ] ++ ( (\x -> div [ style [ ( "backgroundColor" , if Date.minute x == 30 || Date.minute x == 45 then "#f8f8f8" else "#fff" ) , ( "height", px blockHeight ) ] ] [] ) minutes ) ++ ( (\group -> renderGroup offset group) overlappingGroups) ) renderGroup : Int -> List EventInstance -> Html Msg renderGroup offset group = let sortedGroup = List.sortWith (\x y -> case x.from y.from of z -> z ) group findLefts instanceA = ( instanceA , List.foldl (+) 0 ( (\instanceB -> if instanceA == instanceB then 0 else if (Date.Extra.equal instanceB.from instanceA.from) && (Date.Extra.equal then -- Set to 0 and then fix it further down in the code 0 else if (Date.Extra.equal instanceB.from instanceA.from) && not (Date.Extra.equal then -- Set to 0 and then fix it further down in the code 0 else if Date.Extra.isBetween instanceB.from instanceA.from then 1 else 0 ) sortedGroup ) ) lefts = findLefts sortedGroup numberInGroup = lefts |> (\( _, left ) -> left) |> List.maximum |> Maybe.withDefault 1 fixedLefts = if numberInGroup == 0 then (\( instance, x ) -> ( instance , lefts |> List.Extra.elemIndex ( instance, x ) |> Maybe.withDefault 0 ) ) lefts else lefts fixedNumberInGroup = fixedLefts |> (\( _, left ) -> left) |> List.maximum |> Maybe.withDefault 1 in div [ style [ ( "display", "flex" ) ] ] ( (\instance -> eventInstanceBlock offset fixedNumberInGroup instance) fixedLefts) eventInstanceBlock : Int -> Int -> ( EventInstance, Int ) -> Html Msg eventInstanceBlock offset numberInGroup ( eventInstance, lefts ) = let length = (toFloat (Date.Extra.diff Date.Extra.Minute eventInstance.from / 15 height = (toString (length * toFloat blockHeight)) ++ "px" hourInMinutes = (Date.hour eventInstance.from) * 60 minutes = Date.minute eventInstance.from topOffset = ((((toFloat (hourInMinutes + minutes)) / 60) - (toFloat offset) ) * 4.0 * (toFloat blockHeight) ) + (toFloat headerHeight) width = 100 / (toFloat (numberInGroup + 1)) in a [ classList [ ( "event", True ) , ( "event-in-dayview", True ) ] , style [ ( "height", height ) , ( "width", (toString width) ++ "%" ) , ( "top", (toString topOffset) ++ "px" ) , ( "left", (toString (toFloat (lefts) * width)) ++ "%" ) , ( "background-color", eventInstance.backgroundColor ) , ( "color", eventInstance.forgroundColor ) ] , href <| routeToString <| EventRoute eventInstance.eventSlug ] [ p [] [ text ((Date.Extra.toFormattedString "HH:mm" eventInstance.from) ++ " " ++ eventInstance.title) ] ] gutter : List Date -> Html Msg gutter hours = div [ classList [ ( "col-sm-1", True ) , ( "day-view-gutter", True ) ] ] ([ div [ style [ ( "height", px headerHeight ) ] ] [ text "" ] ] ++ ( gutterHour hours) ) gutterHour : Date -> Html Msg gutterHour date = let textToShow = case Date.minute date of 0 -> (Date.Extra.toFormattedString "HH:mm" date) 30 -> (Date.Extra.toFormattedString "HH:mm" date) _ -> "" in div [ style [ ( "height", px blockHeight ) ] ] [ text textToShow ]