{% extends 'profile_base.html' %} {% load bootstrap3 %} {% load shop_tags %} {% block profile_content %} {% if order.open is not None %}
Not ready to pay for your order yet? Go back and edit it

{% endif %}

Details for Order #{{ order.id }}

{% if order.open is not None %} Please review your order to make sure the quantities are right. {% else %} This order is closed, but not paid. {% endif %}

{% for orp in order.orderproductrelation_set.all %}
Name Quantity Price Total
{{ orp.product.name }} {{ orp.quantity }} {{ orp.product.price|currency }} {{ orp.total|currency }} {% endfor %}
Included VAT (25%) {{ order.vat|currency }}
Total {{ order.total|currency }}
{% if order.customer_comment %}


{{ order.customer_comment|linebreaks }}
{% endif %} {% if order.invoice_address %}

Invoice Address:

{{ order.invoice_address|linebreaks }}
{% endif %} {% if not order.paid and order.open is None %}
{% csrf_token %} {% bootstrap_button "Cancel order" button_type="submit" button_class="btn-danger btn-lg" name="cancel_order" icon="remove" %} {% if order.pdf %} {% url 'shop:download_invoice' pk=order.pk as invoice_download_url %} {% bootstrap_button "Proforma Invoice PDF" icon="save-file" href=invoice_download_url button_class="btn-primary btn-lg pull-right" %} {% endif %}
{% endif %}

Terms and Payment Options

{% csrf_token %}

Choose a payment option:

{% bootstrap_button " Blockchain" button_type="submit" button_class="btn-primary" name="payment_method" value="blockchain" %}
{% bootstrap_button " Bank transfer" button_type="submit" button_class="btn-primary" name="payment_method" value="bank_transfer" %}
{% bootstrap_button " Cash" button_type="submit" button_class="btn-primary" name="payment_method" value="cash" %}
{% bootstrap_button " Credit card*" button_type="submit" button_class="btn-primary" name="payment_method" value="credit_card" %}
* Please consider the alternatives before choosing credit card. Credit cards are expensive and difficult for us to handle. Thank you!
{% endblock %}