module Views exposing (..) -- Local modules import Models exposing (..) import Messages exposing (Msg(..)) -- Core modules import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, div, input, text, li, ul, a, h4, label, i, span, hr, small, p) import Html.Attributes exposing (class, classList, id, type_, for, style, href) import Html.Events exposing (onClick) -- External modules import Markdown dayButton : Day -> Day -> Html Msg dayButton day activeDay = a [ classList [ ( "btn", True ) , ( "btn-default", day /= activeDay ) , ( "btn-primary", day == activeDay ) ] , onClick (MakeActiveday day) , href ("#" ++ case day.iso of "" -> "" iso -> "day/" ++ iso ) ] [ text day.day_name ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [] [ div [ class "row" ] [ div [ id "schedule-days", class "btn-group" ] ( (\day -> dayButton day model.activeDay) (allDaysDay :: model.days)) ] , hr [] [] , case model.route of OverviewRoute -> scheduleOverviewView model DayRoute dayIso -> dayView dayIso model EventInstanceRoute eventInstanceSlug -> eventInstanceDetailView eventInstanceSlug model NotFoundRoute -> div [] [ text "Not found!" ] ] dayView : DayIso -> Model -> Html Msg dayView dayIso model = div [] [ filterSideBar model ] eventInstanceDetailView : EventInstanceSlug -> Model -> Html Msg eventInstanceDetailView eventInstanceSlug model = let eventInstance = case List.head (List.filter (\e -> e.slug == eventInstanceSlug) model.eventInstances) of Just eventInstance -> eventInstance Nothing -> emptyEventInstance event = case List.head (List.filter (\e -> e.slug == eventInstance.eventSlug) of Just event -> event Nothing -> { title = "", slug = "", abstract = "", speakers = [] } in div [ class "row" ] [ div [ class "col-sm-9" ] [ a [ href "#" ] [ text "Back" ] , h4 [] [ text eventInstance.title ] , p [] [ Markdown.toHtml [] event.abstract ] , hr [] [] , h4 [] [ text "TODO: Show all instances here!" ] ] , div [ classList [ ( "col-sm-3", True ) , ( "schedule-sidebar", True ) ] ] [ h4 [] [ text "Speakers" ] ] ] filterSideBar : Model -> Html Msg filterSideBar model = div [ classList [ ( "col-sm-3", True ) , ( "col-sm-push-9", True ) , ( "schedule-sidebar", True ) , ( "schedule-filter", True ) ] ] [ h4 [] [ text "Filter" ] , div [ class "form-group" ] [ filterView "Type" model.eventTypes model.filter.eventTypes ToggleEventTypeFilter , filterView "Location" model.eventLocations model.filter.eventLocations ToggleEventLocationFilter ] ] scheduleOverviewView : Model -> Html Msg scheduleOverviewView model = div [ class "row" ] [ filterSideBar model , div [ classList [ ( "col-sm-9", True ) , ( "col-sm-pull-3", True ) ] ] ( (\day -> dayRowView day model) model.days) ] dayRowView : Day -> Model -> Html Msg dayRowView day model = let types = (\eventType -> eventType.slug) (if List.isEmpty model.filter.eventTypes then model.eventTypes else model.filter.eventTypes ) locations = (\eventLocation -> eventLocation.slug) (if List.isEmpty model.filter.eventLocations then model.eventLocations else model.filter.eventLocations ) filteredEventInstances = List.filter (\eventInstance -> ((String.slice 0 10 eventInstance.from) == day.iso) && List.member eventInstance.location locations && List.member eventInstance.eventType types ) model.eventInstances in div [] [ h4 [] [ text day.repr ] , div [ class "schedule-day-row" ] ( dayEventInstanceView filteredEventInstances) ] dayEventInstanceView : EventInstance -> Html Msg dayEventInstanceView eventInstance = a [ class "event" , href ("#event/" ++ eventInstance.slug) , style [ ( "background-color", eventInstance.backgroundColor ) , ( "color", eventInstance.forgroundColor ) ] ] [ small [] [ text ((String.slice 11 16 eventInstance.from) ++ " - " ++ (String.slice 11 16 ] , i [ classList [ ( "fa", True ), ( "fa-" ++ eventInstance.locationIcon, True ), ( "pull-right", True ) ] ] [] , p [] [ text eventInstance.title ] ] filterView : String -> List { a | name : String } -> List { a | name : String } -> ({ a | name : String } -> Msg) -> Html Msg filterView name possibleFilters currentFilters action = div [] [ text (name ++ ":") , ul [] ( (\filter -> filterChoiceView filter currentFilters action) possibleFilters) ] filterChoiceView : { a | name : String } -> List { a | name : String } -> ({ a | name : String } -> Msg) -> Html Msg filterChoiceView filter currentFilters action = let active = List.member filter currentFilters notActive = not active in li [] [ div [ classList [ ( "btn", True ) , ( "btn-default", True ) , ( "filter-choice-active", active ) ] , onClick (action filter) ] [ span [] [ i [ classList [ ( "fa", True ), ( "fa-minus", active ), ( "fa-plus", notActive ) ] ] [] , text (" " ++ ] ] ]