{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load commonmark %} {% load static %} {% load bornhack %} {% block content %}
BackOffice - {{ camp.title }} {{ product_list.0.ticket_type.name }} Ticket Product Stats

This view shows a table of each product associated with the ticket type {{ product_list.0.ticket_type.name }} along with the number sold, cost, price, profit and margin for each product.

{% for p in product_list %} {% endfor %}
Product Orders Units Sold Revenue Cost Profit Margin
{{ p.name }} {{ p.order_set.count }} {{ p.total_units_sold }} {{ p.price|floatformat:"2" }} DKK {{ p.cost|floatformat:"2" }} DKK {{ p.profit|floatformat:"2" }} DKK {{ p.margin|floatformat:"2" }}%
Back to Ticket Types

{% endblock content %}