# Bornhack Django project to power Bornhack. Features do not include: - Create camp - Control expenses for a camp - Manage signups for attendees for a camp - ... ## Quickstart Create a Python 2.7 virtual environment and activate it: $ virtualenv venv $ source venv/bin/activate Install dependencies: (venv) $ pip install -r requirements/development.txt Copy environment file and change settings like DATABASE_URL: (venv) $ cp bornhack/settings/env.dist bornhack/settings/.env Run `make` (removing USE_SQLITE=1 if you want to use postgres) (venv) $ SQLITE=1 make Which is equivalent with this: (venv) $ ./manage.py migrate --settings=bornhack.settings.development (venv) $ ./manage.py createsuperuser --settings=bornhack.settings.development (venv) $ ./manage.py runserver --settings=bornhack.settings.development ### Setting up Postgres Using Postgres is only necessary for purposes og using Postgis for a few maps on the site. To use default settings and make commands, create a user `bornhack`, password `bornhack` and database `bornhack_dev` to use default setttings.