from django.db import models from django.urls import reverse from utils.models import CampRelatedModel from utils.slugs import unique_slugify class Wish(CampRelatedModel): """ This model contains the stuff BornHack needs. This can be anything from kitchen equipment to network cables, or anything really. """ class Meta: verbose_name_plural = "wishes" name = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="Short description of the wish",) slug = models.SlugField( blank=True, unique=True, help_text="The url slug for this wish. Leave blank to autogenerate one.", ) description = models.TextField( help_text="Description of the needed item. Markdown is supported!" ) count = models.IntegerField(default=1, help_text="How many do we need?",) fulfilled = models.BooleanField( default=False, help_text="A Wish is marked as fulfilled when we no longer need the thing.", ) team = models.ForeignKey( "teams.Team", help_text="The team that needs this thing. When in doubt pick Orga :)", on_delete=models.PROTECT, related_name="wishes", ) @property def camp(self): return camp_filter = "team__camp" def __str__(self): return def save(self, **kwargs): self.slug = unique_slugify( self.title, slugs_in_use=self.__class__.objects.filter( "slug", flat=True ), ) super().save(**kwargs) def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse( "wishlist:detail", kwargs={"camp_slug":, "wish_slug": self.slug,}, )