{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load bootstrap3 %} {% load static %} {% load bornhack %} {% block content %}

Select EventSlot for {{ event.title }}

The following EventSlots are available and suitable for scheduling {{ event.title }}

This event has a duration {{ event.duration }} hours.

This event has a demand of {{ event.demand }} people.

{% csrf_token %} {% if event_slots %} {% for slot in event_slots %} {% endfor %}
Pick Start End Duration Location Capacity
{{ slot.slot.when.lower }} {{ slot.slot.when.upper }} {{ slot.slot.event_session.event_location.name }} {{ slot.slot.duration }} {{ slot.slot.event_session.event_location.capacity }}
{% else %}

No available slots found

{% endif %} Cancel
{% endblock content %}