{% extends 'schedule_base.html' %} {% block schedule_content %}
Overview {% for day in camp.camp_days %} {% with day.lower.date|date:"m" as month_padded %} {% with day.lower.date|date:"d" as day_padded %} {{ day.lower.date|date:"l" }} {% endwith %} {% endwith %} {% endfor %}

{% if not urlyear %} {% if eventtype %}All{% else %}All{% endif %} {% else %} {% if eventtype %}All{% else %}All{% endif %} {% endif %} {% for event_type in camp.event_types %} {% if not urlyear %} {% if eventtype and eventtype == event_type %}{{ event_type.name }}{% else %}{{ event_type.name }}{% endif %} {% else %} {% if eventtype and eventtype == event_type %}{{ event_type.name }}{% else %}{{ event_type.name }}{% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}

{% block program_content %} {% endblock program_content %} {% endblock schedule_content %}