{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load commonmark %} {% load static %} {% load imageutils %} {% block title %} Merchandise Orders | {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Merchandise Orders

Use this view to look at merchandise orders.
This table shows all OrderProductRelations which are Merchandise (not including handed out, unpaid, cancelled and refunded orders). The table is initally sorted by order ID but the sorting can be changed by clicking the column headlines (if javascript is enabled).

{% for productrel in orderproductrelation_list %} {% endfor %}
Order User Email OPR Id Product Quantity Paid Ticket Generated
Order #{{ productrel.order.id }} {{ productrel.order.user }} {{ productrel.order.user.email }} {{ productrel.id }} {{ productrel.product.name }} {{ productrel.quantity }} {{ product.order.paid|yesno }} {{ product.order.ticket_generated|yesno }}
{% endblock content %}