
128 lines
6.2 KiB

import logging
from django import template
from django.template import Context, Template
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
logger = logging.getLogger("bornhack.%s" % __name__)
register = template.Library()
def render_datetime(datetime):
"""Renders a datetime in the users timezone"""
t = Template("{{ datetime }}")
return t.render(Context({"datetime": datetime}))
def render_datetimetzrange(datetimetzrange):
"""Renders a datetimetzrange as 14:00-16:00 in the users timezone"""
return f"{render_datetime(datetimetzrange.lower.time())}-{render_datetime(datetimetzrange.upper.time())} ({datetimetzrange.lower.tzname()})"
def availabilitytable(matrix, form=None):
Build the HTML table to show speaker availability, and hold the checkboxes
for the speaker_availability form.
if not matrix:
logger.error("we have no matrix to build a table from")
return ""
# start bulding the output
output = "<div class='form-group'>"
output += "<table class='table table-hover table-condensed table-bordered table-responsive' style='margin-bottom: .25em;'><thead>"
output += "<tr><th class='text-nowrap'>Speaker Availability</th>"
# to build the <thead> for this table we need to loop over the days (dates)
# in the matrix and create a column for each
for date in matrix.keys():
output += f"<th>{render_datetime(}</th>"
output += "</tr></thead>"
output += "<tbody>"
# loop over all dates in the matrix to find a set of unique "daychunks" we
# need checkboxes for. We need to represent a daychunk with a <tr> table row if
# just one of the days need a checkbox for it.
chunks = set()
for date in matrix.keys():
# loop over the daychunks on this date
for daychunk in matrix[date].keys():
if matrix[date][daychunk]:
# add this daychunk it to the chunks set
# make chunks a list and sort it
chunks = list(chunks)
needsinfo = False
# loop over chunks where at least one date needs a checkbox
for chunk in chunks:
# we need a header row for this chunk
output += f"<tr><th class='text-nowrap'>{chunk}</th>"
# loop over dates to find out if we need a checkbox for this chunk on this date
for date in matrix.keys():
# loop over matrix daychunks and for each date find the chunk/row we are working with
for daychunk in matrix[date].keys():
if render_datetimetzrange(daychunk) == chunk:
# do we need a checkbox?
if matrix[date][daychunk]:
popup = f'<div class="text-left"><p>{render_datetime(} from {render_datetime(daychunk.lower.time)} to {render_datetime(daychunk.upper.time)}.</p>'
popup += "<p>This time slot is used for:<br>"
for et in matrix[date][daychunk]["event_types"]:
popup += f'<i class="fas fa-{et["icon"]} fa-fw" style="color: {et["color"]};"></i> {et["name"]}s<br>'
popup += "</p>"
# set tdclass and popup message depending on availability info in our db
if matrix[date][daychunk]["initial"]:
tdclass = "success"
tdicon = "check"
popup += "<p>Our records indicate that this person is <b>available</b> during this time slot.</p>"
elif matrix[date][daychunk]["initial"] is None:
tdclass = "warning"
tdicon = "question"
needsinfo = True
if form:
popup += "<p>We have no existing records about this persons availability during this time slot. Please submit availability information!</p>"
popup += "<p>We have no existing records about this persons availability during this time slot.</p>"
tdclass = "danger"
tdicon = "times"
popup += "<p>Our records indicate that this person is <b>not available</b> during this time slot.</p>"
# ok finish the popup and add it to the td
popup += "</div>"
# add the <td> with label and the field from the form
output += f"<td class='text-center {tdclass}' style='padding: 1px; vertical-align: middle;'>"
# add the form field?
if form:
# add the label for this form field, include an
# onclick() js event to the label to toggle the td background class
output += f"<label for='id_{matrix[date][daychunk]['fieldname']}' style='display: block; margin-bottom: 0px;' onclick='toggle_sa_form_class(\"id_{matrix[date][daychunk]['fieldname']}\");'>&nbsp;"
output += str(form[matrix[date][daychunk]["fieldname"]])
output += f'<i class="fas fa-{tdicon}"></i>'
# add the info icon
output += f"<i class='fas fa-info-circle pull-right text-info' data-toggle='tooltip' data-html=true data-placement='right' title='{popup}' style='margin-left: -20px;'>"
if form:
output += "</label>"
output += "</td>"
output += "<td class='text-center active'>N/A</td>"
output += "</tr>"
# finish the table and add the help text
output += "</table>"
if form:
output += "<div class='help-block'>Please uncheck any boxes where this person is not available</div>"
elif needsinfo:
output += '<div class="alert alert-warning" role="alert"><i class="fas fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> We have missing availability information for this person!</div>'
output += "</div>"
return mark_safe(output)